I got yawl twisting and turning like side walk sissy's!!! LOL... First off, you lie so much about Randy until you can't keep your lies straight and don't know the truth any longer. Had U listened to Randy in the first place U would have never been on probation. Randy told U not to fug with Shapiro but Ur hard headed *** always talking about U need "Bag Men"... Now that you're cleared the same **** continues today on every board. Secondly, Randy was not desperate for a DC job so much so to only take one from a UM Rival. If you had any truth in U, you would say the Gators were one of a few schools on this level that sees past the racial politics that kept him from getting another shot. U will have to bare witness to this with the count of so many coaching failure every year that continue to be recycled over and over again but yet Randy gets no shot. Third, over the years how many FSU and Gator hires have you had since we are talking hated rivals? Truth is it's not about Randy working as DC for the Gators but more to do with Ur own acceptance of an unlikely recruit to become a starter in your program then move on to the NFL and through Ur coaching ranks to bring the success that you so proudly cherish today. So much so, that it is highly unlikely that U will ever find a DC to match or exceed what Randy has done in his 6 years as DC. Many today wished Dorsey could have had the chance to duplicate Randy's success. To make the point more pronounced, U will never be able to rewrite it because it is permanently etched in the annals of time! Ur great grand kids a 100 years or more from now will dare to utter the lies you wish to present today. And my Grand Ropa's will logon to Quorum Sphere and say, gtfoh Randy was GOAT at the U as DC, hands down!!