Now Luke...

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Luke is such trash! On Twitter I called him out because he's always talking about Miami doesn't offer this kid or that kid from south florida and how we need to hire someone with ties to the community.

I told him his boy Randy didn't offer Geno Atkins (took a kid out of Texas instead) and failed to recruit and offer Ryan Shazier until the last minute and Shazeir's dad was our team chaplain and friends with Randy for over 20 years.

**** Luke.


Was it Randy or Golden who didn't want Devonte Freeman?


Luke is a Luke fan, PERIOD.

He rode the Canes' coat tails to fame not vice versa.

"Luke's bending over so Luke's getting ****ed."
Luke pumps up FSU and UF more than Miami.

So I guess this campaign has come to an end ...


No longer a Canes fan?

So be it, that's Luke's business.

But now he's helping Florida State and Florida and badmouthing The U in SoFla and wherever else?

The death penalty would be too light.

"If he were white, being from Miami, he'd be God's gift to America," Campbell said. "If they don't start Ryan Collins, the University of Miami will get the death penalty. I will tell all. I will tell everything I know to the NCAA. If he doesn't go out there for the first play versus UCLA, I'll give you all the violations from 1986 to last year. As of now, I don't know anything. I'm stupid. But if Ryan doesn't start, [coach) Butch [Davis) is going to wish he never took that job."

Said it earlier, Chise. Luke's got his own agenda. Only reason he was a Canes fan in the 80's/90's is because we were on top. LOL at Randy, Bell, and Seilder being an all-star team of recruiters. Bell was a cot **** intern and Randy is referred to as Radio in Miami. Seilder thought he had Harley locked up and Richt pulled the rug out from under him.


Luke's bias agenda is clear as day. Said we won't get 1 recruit we're after anymore. This coming from the guy saying that if Miami gave Randy one more year we would've won a national title. The guy's a joke.
I find it hilarious that article comes out same day as Lingard commits (I know he's not so Fla), but still
Luke knows as much about football as my next door neighbor, and my next door neighbor's a mailman. Luke has been fired more than a Civil War cannon.
Wants to blow Corey Bell...First it's Cristobal, then Brewster, now Bell

Why doesn't he suck Rumph off a little to help UM's cause? (NH )

Can't stand this loudmouth idiot.

well corey bell is a liberty city guy. Rumph played ball in palm beach and coached in broward. Add to it coached at heritage and came straight from the optomist level...theres no real connections with the two, and rumph really didnt have pull locally lik that like say a Bell who coached at a few schools like Edison, American. Then sent guys to um (Nate harris, walden, etc) and recruited Luke's school for fau and um.
I find it hilarious that article comes out same day as Lingard commits (I know he's not so Fla), but still
The narrative lol. Luke complained we didn't offer his backers last year in rice in vosean joseph but yet did not sing not one **** praise of our freshman backers who were way better than any freshman linebackers in the country
At this point, Luke is just another slime ball "handler" in Miami. His only interest is steering kids towards his wife's sports agency. He does everything under the pretense of "helping out the community" but when's the last time Luke ever helped out a kid who's NOT a star athlete? Seems to me if he's really interested in helping the kids, he'd be helping the kids who aren't going to get a free college education.

He does all the time. He coached pop warner ball forever ( its not profitable, and they were literally little kids as u dont know how they will pan out) When he had Devonta Freeman and others living with him at times they werent star athletes. The problem u guys have is guys cant seperate the two. You guys see Luke as a "um fan" in your minds he should say nothing about the program publicly but positive things( yet u guys on this same board say the same things he does) On the other hand dude is a coach...his main concern is looking out for his players or kids he mentors and getting them schollies wherever....His main objective though if their good enough is to get them to um. I seperate the two...and know when to take him seriously and know when he is trolling. But if you were to ever meet him and talk football....its going to be all about um. Now he hates the dolphins.
i dunno why yall jumping up n down ranting about luke. The gates kinda whopped us head to head this last class a good number of times..and just added two more guys with s.fla ties. They **** sure suck...but they are definately putting an emphasis in s.fla recruiting..take it how u wanna. Radio and whoever the bum *** db coach was kinda lumped us up. I like my class....but you got to be a realiest. Im ready to whoop their head this class though and we already went into their country and grabbed Lingard.
i dunno why yall jumping up n down ranting about luke.

This cat, Miami born and bred, is in the streets pumping up our two hated rivals and downing the Canes.

That's not reason enough?

I aint know um cut him checks.

Mike Rumph did the same...never delivered us a player..and is currently cahing a nice check. And half of u **** are white knighting for hium currently...about he did a good job coaching up 2 seniors.
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