IN, before the Lock.��
Some other mod is going to have to lock. I have to prove my street cred.
Did you lock my brooklyndee thread?
I don't follow you around. You just are on every thread. I do think your soft. I deleted cause this thread is soft so I moved on.
My bad, you're just an internet gangster. Nice anti-Semitic comment you dropped on RVA Cane on the recruiting board by the way.
Get a fkn hobby. Following me around and stalking my posts.
I've never said anything anti semetic. Go back to closing threads bro, u da man.
Telling Jews to eat pork and bagels. Cool, bro. I'm done with you.
I wanted the lox stalker. I know you are a moderator but get off my nuts. I didn't know he's ******, more power to him. He's a good poster now go close a thread, u da man bro.