North Carolina Game

Unc will do everything in their power not to play here. There’s just not another solution if the two teams don’t have bye weeks that could work. Or move the game to a neutral site if available.

I agree, and they are the tobacco road mafia so they would rather cancel it then move it to Miami.
we get better through playing games.. You can practice only so much. And 3 weeks of not playing to then play BCU and then Citadel isn't gonna do much for our players. They need to go smash UNC this weekend!
I wanna get it over with so @JBCanes-NC can shut up about how Mack Brown "gonna bring the pain" and his other BS.
*** Mack Brown, really,I’m an old ***, and I think he’s a really old ***king Douchbag. Please with the Mack Brown bandwagon, he’s so ***king old it’s a Conestoga ***king Covered wagon. Again, I say, *** Mack Brown