I highly recommend this movie to any of you, particualry those of you in the military. It hits close to home, shows how many of us have a close knit bond, and how some people in the military will do absolutely anything for their brother to the left or right of them. I took all my Marines and Sailors and I can tell you it was a truly sobering experience. First time I have ever seen a movie end and while the credits were rolling everyone was sitting around in dead silence. It's things like this that put football into perspective and make us realize that sometimes we go a little overboard over a **** 17 yr old kid.

I am still a CPT in the Air Force Reserve and have been preaching this message for the last 8 years. some of the idiots on these boards talk about killing a coach because he can only win 9 games. maybe if they would go to a military hospital and see our wounded veterans missing arms and legs and suffering from traumatic head injuries they could get a grip on reality.

Check out the Marcus Luttrell documentary on HBO now about the making of Lone Survivor
Heard the author speak live...he is one intense sob

you would be intense too

if you also had your best friend being tortured and you dropped your weapon and gave up fighting for a minutes, then find out 16 other SpecOps died trying to save you...
Just saw the movie, sad but a very noble story, one of the best War Stories you'll see in a while...everybody must see it
good movie....... too bad those men are fighting something that is not winnable. If you have to stop and call back to command for permission to engage.. you are not fighting a war...... Being a Vietnam vet and spending 11 months in the jungle, I wouldn't be here today nor would half of my men if I used "rules of engagement". You play games to win, and fight to kill. The last war we won, we carpet bombed and nuked them till they quit. That village in the movie should have just had an air strike called in and a lesson would have been sent..........

Another bullet shows no mercy
the ultimate price is paid
the band loses another brother
Read the book and it was awesome. Ranks right up there with House to house by David Beluvia. His description of **** week is
Unreal. They are some hardcore brothers.
saw it last night- other than the end which was "Hollywood" the rest of the movie was very close to the book and actual events

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