
Nov 5, 2011
I highly recommend this movie to any of you, particualry those of you in the military. It hits close to home, shows how many of us have a close knit bond, and how some people in the military will do absolutely anything for their brother to the left or right of them. I took all my Marines and Sailors and I can tell you it was a truly sobering experience. First time I have ever seen a movie end and while the credits were rolling everyone was sitting around in dead silence. It's things like this that put football into perspective and make us realize that sometimes we go a little overboard over a **** 17 yr old kid.
old viet-nam vet here, what you said is so true. Football is awesome and I love my canes but war is a real *****
I highly recommend this movie to any of you, particualry those of you in the military. It hits close to home, shows how many of us have a close knit bond, and how some people in the military will do absolutely anything for their brother to the left or right of them. I took all my Marines and Sailors and I can tell you it was a truly sobering experience. First time I have ever seen a movie end and while the credits were rolling everyone was sitting around in dead silence. It's things like this that put football into perspective and make us realize that sometimes we go a little overboard over a **** 17 yr old kid.

I highly recommend this movie to any of you, particualry those of you in the military. It hits close to home, shows how many of us have a close knit bond, and how some people in the military will do absolutely anything for their brother to the left or right of them. I took all my Marines and Sailors and I can tell you it was a truly sobering experience. First time I have ever seen a movie end and while the credits were rolling everyone was sitting around in dead silence. It's things like this that put football into perspective and make us realize that sometimes we go a little overboard over a **** 17 yr old kid.

That's why it really offends me when you here football players talking about being warriors. They don't know *****. Most of them wouldn't know what to do in a real fire fight. Haven't seen the movie but I'm looking forward to it. The last really good one was Blackhawk Down. The book is spot on and the movie does an excellent job recreating Mogadishu and the battle engagements. I spent 6 months of my life there from October 1993 to March 1994 with Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT).
I saw the movie and, although the movie was great, I don't think I could watch it again. I sat there at the end and just felt so bad for the guys who had to go through all of that. I know I wiped a few tears from my eyes. What struck me, as someone who grew up in the 50's and 60's, was how different war movies are now. Of course I grew up when WW2 films were abundant and then some Vietnam movies, but most of them, perhaps all of them, didn't show the suffering and pain that the combatants experienced. Kids use to watch those movies and go out an "play war." I honestly cannot imagine kids watching this film and wanting to pretend to be part of it. Those guys were amazing and are true heroes.
only few wars in history were fought for a just cause, but every warrior in every war fought for 1 cause.. the guy standing next to him
Since I live in TX and the main character in the movie (Marcus Luttrell) lives around my area, my FFl is a friend of his and he had mention about the movie before it came out. They were in a base hospital in Germany together .
To all who are serving or served. Thanks for your courages act.

War sucks tho...
I read the book and saw the Movie. It is a great read if you're up for it, and there is a ton of stuff that didn't make it to the movie. God Bless the Soldiers fighting & Giving the ultimate Sacrifice for our freedom.