Yep. Thomas is facking beast. His cuts are lethal, he literally slow baits a defender, cuts and is 5 yards up the field before they can move
Jeudy is far and away the best WR in country. I like Thomas, and was an outstanding pick up for us though. But, don't get carried away here.
Film doesn't lie.
UA practice film, game film, and UA practice reports from analysts watching him makes a case for Thomas being the best. We have one of the fastest receivers in the country, a developed route runner, can score whenever he touches the ball, and most importantly can catch.
@tpres The real question that should be asked is what do Smith and Juedy have over Thomas? Height? If Thomas was 6'0" with no academic issues, he'd probably be a top 10 player and number 1 receiver in the country. Dude is too hard to cover.
Aside from his Hudl highlights and the aforementioned UA reports, have you seen his camp film? Unbelievable!!! No corner was able to cover him at The Opening and camp circuit.
Check at 1:08, 2:40, 4:02, and 5:12
Simply put, he's too hard to cover