Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

Taking over a bad program in a small conference and turning it around isn't rare. Taking over a bad program in a p5 conference and making them competitive happens quite a bit too. Taking over at a p5 program and being a consistent national contender almost never happens. Willie Taggart is, imo, a Mike Leach clone. He's got a gimmick offense that puts up yards and points against weaker competition but struggles against power teams. He could have stayed at Oregon and won 8 or 9 games a year forever. However, that act won't fly at FSU. They expect championships and Taggart just isn't that coach

They believe Taggart will be able to relate to the current players and future recruits, simply because he is black. THEY ARE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKENING!!!
Can't blame them.I was there too a decade ago thinking the same about Randy.

Yeah I was part of that majority thinking that as well. I liked Randy as a DCoord but when he became the HC I thought he had earned it but I also said i thought it would help recruiting because Randy grew up in a tough neighborhood in the inner city and could relate to a lot of the recruits. Don't know what kind of upbringing Taggert had but it couldn't have been as tough as Shannon's
There's a difference between thinking that Randy's skin and story might help some kids relate to him and thinking Willie will connect purely on skin. Randy was a terrible HC, but he had more than color going for him on paper. Does Willie?
There's a difference between thinking that Randy's skin and story might help some kids relate to him and thinking Willie will connect purely on skin. Randy was a terrible HC, but he had more than color going for him on paper. Does Willie?

Willie Taggert makes Randy Shannon look like Mike Tomlin.
so the pitch is come play for me so you can put my name in the record books and they can make documentaries about me? And how is this a pretty good recruiting approach?

First of all it is working. Did you see the class they landed last year? 3 5 stars and a ton of highly rated 4 stars and they finished third in their division. If you don't think a bunch of 17 year old kids are going to get swayed by that pitch then I don't know what to tell you. No, it wouldn't work on full grown adults like us, but on kids it works. Also, it is quite obvious that once they actually become playoff contenders they will be all over the media. That includes all of the players on the team. Penn State in NC contention gets much more media attention and player interviews then any other team due the to the fact that they could make history. Also, the documentaries or movies are not going to be 100% about the coach. Watch any documentary about a coach and there ends up being tons of interviews with his athletes. Finally, tons of kids will just do it for the culture. Being part of the first team to win with a black head coach can sway many kids even if they received no attention for it. Lets get back to nole tears. This tactic won't work for WIllie because no one actually thinks he has a chance of winning a natty.
You gotta look at what he inherited. Look at Pete Carroll's pro record coaching NE before he got fired, and Belichick's before he got fired from the Browns. Willie has never been fired and he's on Job 4.

Don't be simple.

Two of the best coaches in the last 10 years? That coach in the nfl?
That’s who you’re using as an example for Tagtard? Seriously ? Jesus H Christ.

This might be dumber than Canezcum saying it’s smart to throw fades to 5’8 guys. I guess it’ll have to be a split vote for porst of the day.

Y’all Nole fans are the dumbest, most delusional fans out there.
How? It’s just being bounce in front of him.

he has to step back and out of the way so it doesn't hit his feet.[/QUOTE]

That’s not what I saw in the video.
The QB didn’t have to do anything to avoid it. It was rolled across a good yard in front of where he started his drop. He could have stayed where he got the snap and still avoid the ball so that’s not it.
Makes about as much sense as when golden had the OL run through the goaunlet.
Coach mac fvcked a shark. What do you think they're going to catch taggart *******?
Two of the best coaches in the last 10 years? That coach in the nfl?
That’s who you’re using as an example for Tagtard? Seriously ? Jesus H Christ.

This might be dumber than Canezcum saying it’s smart to throw fades to 5’8 guys. I guess it’ll have to be a split vote for porst of the day.

Y’all Nole fans are the dumbest, most delusional fans out there.

you can't read.
he has to step back and out of the way so it doesn't hit his feet.

That’s not what I saw in the video.
The QB didn’t have to do anything to avoid it. It was rolled across a good yard in front of where he started his drop. He could have stayed where he got the snap and still avoid the ball so that’s not it.
Makes about as much sense as when golden had the OL run through the goaunlet.[/QUOTE]

look again.