Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)


Sure. I get it. It's a business. But this is just game-playing by this kid. And I know they're all kids but it's a bad look. You want to be coy about where you're going and "surprise" the world at the last minute. Fine. But to be committed for months (year?) and then switch on signing day, dang. We'd crucify a kid if he did this to us.
Yeah we would. But this is happening to FSU, so Fvck em all!! Kid will be my personal hero of the week if he does this.
Again, he could go to any school in the country. Kid is getting terrible advice and being manipulated by a hype man. But whatever, the lulz will be epic.

Oh don’t misunderstand me, there’s much better choices and I can guarantee he can get similar NIL’s somewhere else, but make that money dude.

I’m 100% for this strictly for the lulz
Exactly my brother, this is some bittersweet ****!!!! On one hand, I'm grinnin' from ear to ear because FUCC FLORIDA STATE and the #1 player is going HBCU. But on the other I'm like FUCCCC!!!!!, My Rattlers gotta deal with Hunter for 3 years...
Remember when K.Thib took that OV to us? I was like **** yeah show some love ! But go ahead and make it happen (we all know he wasn’t going to lol)
Exactly my brother, this is some bittersweet ****!!!! On one hand, I'm grinnin' from ear to ear because FUCC FLORIDA STATE and the #1 player is going HBCU. But on the other I'm like FUCCCC!!!!!, My Rattlers gotta deal with Hunter for 3 years...
MAAANNNN that **** will suck, but I’m hoping JSU goes to the playoff and makes some damage. Hoping FAMU can learn from this lol

I like the FSU loss as much as anyone, but I am not sure I like the idea that Barstool or some such entity has the financial power to now decide where kids should attend college. We are getting into a slippery slope which will also hurt UM at some point
Short term, this is awesome to laugh at FSU. But long term, this could be starting a troubling trend.
Some said this is just to raise some excitement and I disagree. You wanna send a message? You do it to uga or bama, you don’t want to look like you’re in the fight of your life against JSU. That is bad publicity even if you win 😅