Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

They still think they’re the better program. They don’t want to “fall to Miami’s level”. We have beaten them 4 times in a row. Most recently, 52-10. They are about to have their FOURTH straight losing season. Miami has not had back to back losing seasons in my lifetime. We were never as terrible is they are, even on probation, under Shannon or Golden, never a three win team. They need to improve significantly to get back to “Miami’s level”.

I think it is notable that many SemenHoles players will leave F$U (I didn't say "graduate") with zero wins against Miami and zero winning seasons.

They still think they’re the better program. They don’t want to “fall to Miami’s level”. We have beaten them 4 times in a row. Most recently, 52-10. They are about to have their FOURTH straight losing season. Miami has not had back to back losing seasons in my lifetime. We were never as terrible is they are, even on probation, under Shannon or Golden, never a three win team. They need to improve significantly to get back to “Miami’s level”.
Let’s not neglect history either. Anytime I hear Uf or FSU fans claim they’re a better program historically I just laUgh and roll my eyes at the delusion. I understand fan hood and what it consists of but ignoring facts and logic is where I draw the line. Not only are we a better program at this very moment but by any historical metric we are a better program than FSU
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I knew Tally’s crack game was strong, but seems like the weed industry is thriving too. The higher they are, the farther they fall.
I think it is notable that many SemenHoles players will leave F$U (I didn't say "graduate") with zero wins against Miami and zero winning seasons.

Funny thing is even in our bad years drafted Canes ended up being steals in thr league so NFL teams would complain that they didnt get developed here..... FSU players just suck now with the once a year SoFlo recruit who panned out because not even the Semenholes could ruin him
Another funny thing Wiltfong just dropped his weekly report about the major visits this weekend for thr FSU/ND and UGA/CLEM game and talking about FSU it stuck out thag he said he hates his Skinner CB to FSU now. Not only did he bring us and Texas up but he snuck in how he'll see if they can make a push IF Skinner shows up
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They still think they’re the better program. They don’t want to “fall to Miami’s level”. We have beaten them 4 times in a row. Most recently, 52-10. They are about to have their FOURTH straight losing season. Miami has not had back to back losing seasons in my lifetime. We were never as terrible is they are, even on probation, under Shannon or Golden, never a three win team. They need to improve significantly to get back to “Miami’s level”.
Any player out there who wants to be a star and won’t have to worry about the executive head coach all on the internet

‘ Throwing down’ programs that ran through your squad like a trailerhasse red-light on a Sunday morning.

All in the videos, quitting the games, forfeiting.

Come to The U!
suge knight all in the video GIF
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They still think they’re the better program. They don’t want to “fall to Miami’s level”. We have beaten them 4 times in a row. Most recently, 52-10. They are about to have their FOURTH straight losing season. Miami has not had back to back losing seasons in my lifetime. We were never as terrible is they are, even on probation, under Shannon or Golden, never a three win team. They need to improve significantly to get back to “Miami’s level”.
That doesn’t make sense...falling to Miami’s level. One cannot fall upward.
They still think they’re the better program. They don’t want to “fall to Miami’s level”. We have beaten them 4 times in a row. Most recently, 52-10. They are about to have their FOURTH straight losing season. Miami has not had back to back losing seasons in my lifetime. We were never as terrible is they are, even on probation, under Shannon or Golden, never a three win team. They need to improve significantly to get back to “Miami’s level”.
At this point couldn't every D1 program in Florida say they don't want to fall to FSU's level?
I’ve listened to multiple people who think FSU is going to be sneaky good this year. I can only assume they’re trying to drive the line down.
I have read some crap that says Milton is playing. Isn’t the poor kid working with a wheel and third at the moment? Do these media hacks not know this? Maybe I am the fool. Eh, Probably.