FSU is where Miami was at during the end of the Coker era. Not only are overall talent levels down significantly, there’s an “inmates running the asylum” scenario where players have just been able to get away with doing whatever they want for so long, there’s no longer a sense of accountability. It’s going to take a while to purge the program of problems while re-instilling some kind of discipline. It’s virtually impossible to maintain a winning program while simultaneously rebuilding it. Even when the problems get purged, there’s no guarantee that you’ll ever be able to regain previous stature. We’ve been dealing with it for such a long time, today’s high school kids weren’t alive during the championship years. Especially when other, more successful programs start to raid your recruiting areas and pull the best players, the guys you always got, away to other schools. For years FSU laughed at our program because we cried poor and went with cheap options for coaching positions. Well now they’re feeling the cash crunch and they’re stuck with what they have for the foreseeable future. I’d say “good luck ever being great again” but they’re the noles so f- em.