Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

Derwin James looks like a ******* mediocre linebacker.

Can not wait for him to go in the first round and get the bust label.
Jimbo messed up by not getting on the first thing smokin to Baton Rouge. No other major in-state schools to compete against for recruits. He messed up.
Really interesting statement from Jacobi McDaniel a former reserve player on FSU's 2013 team. The point he made with older players not helping the younger ones out because of jealousy made me think of our past down falls in some ways.
I could have told you first hand that dudes don't like francois. They like blackmon a **** of a lot more than him and really reminds me of what some would say about our team and brad.
Don't care who's fault it is that FSU is complete dogsh*t...blame them all...fire them all...kill them all...don't care
I could have told you first hand that dudes don't like francois. They like blackmon a **** of a lot more than him and really reminds me of what some would say about our team and brad.

Have a **** of a way of showing they like Blackman more. I think they don't lose to BC with Frenchie, let alone get blown out by new england 2 stars. "Team chemistry" only seems to get brought up when the team is losing. If you think all the guys on our team and teams around college football are all buddies, well you'd be wrong there. You think Bama's had cohesive locker rooms or **** even coaches offices? Winning provides total absolution.
I could have told you first hand that dudes don't like francois. They like blackmon a **** of a lot more than him and really reminds me of what some would say about our team and brad.

I see this as well. Francois Gained repeat last year for getting demolished every game but kept bouncing back. I sense that he’s a primadonna in general though. Blackmon, though, is the kid with legit grit - he gets animated on the sideline, etc.
And that has what always separated us from them. Our older and former players always preached accountability
Really interesting statement from Jacobi McDaniel a former reserve player on FSU's 2013 team. The point he made with older players not helping the younger ones out because of jealousy made me think of our past down falls in some ways.

..he was obviously an English major at fsu
Rick Neuheisal said it on inside college football, and it happened to us, once you reach the top, you start getting the 4-5 star front runners and not the grinder type players that got you there

I brought this up way back. It became apparently with FSU becoming more national in their recruiting....ala Coker.
So what does that team look like next year? Who's leaving? I don't think frenchie will be ready to start the season. They might clean house and hire all new coaches except for Jimbo.
Jimbo messed up by not getting on the first thing smokin to Baton Rouge. No other major in-state schools to compete against for recruits. He messed up.

Jimbo WANTED to come.The Governor of La. nixed the allocation of the 50-60 million that would have been necessary to pay his buyout and sign him.Threatened to pull state funding to the school because they had just laid off hundreds of people a month earlier.
Jimbo messed up by not getting on the first thing smokin to Baton Rouge. No other major in-state schools to compete against for recruits. He messed up.

Jimbo WANTED to come.The Governor of La. nixed the allocation of the 50-60 million that would have been necessary to pay his buyout and sign him.Threatened to pull state funding to the school because they had just laid off hundreds of people a month earlier.

If accurate that is some strong intel