Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

MT6 missed practice AGAIN today...so much smoke and heat over this eligibility cheating. Fun watching FSU fans squirm and make excuses for MT and their cheating staff.

maybe hes @ jimbos wife house reading the pregnancy test result

Full meltdown mode on FSU boards over not cheating hard enough to get MT6 back to practice fast enough. I still have faith in FSU's corrupt regime to get him eligible by any means possible come gametime for Bama or at the very least cheat his way back to eligibility by the Miami game. What a sad situation for all involved...MT6 sad bc can't play or read...fans sad bc used to breaking any rules to keep star players on field...Jimbo mad bc going to get raped by Bama

I don't think it's sad at all. I think it's funny as ****.
As expected FSU pulled the last minute cheat code to get MT6 eligible...that program disgusts me deeply.
Jimbo is cut from the Saban cloth in every way possible. Out of all the HC the Saban has spawned Jimbo is his best pupil to date. Ever since he arrived at FSU every ounce that was left of integrity and morals has been thrown out the window just to achieve the all mighty W

Just take a look at how Jimbo suspends his players. It basically takes the media and pressure on the school for it to happen. Look at the way they handle "investigations" then look at Alabama and thry mirror each other perfectly.

I'm guessing the pressure was put on this professor in the form of losing their career or a nice hefty raise to make him eligible. That's why Jimbo went rouge this week and wouldn't talk to anyone or allow his players to because of all the questions about Thomas. What i do know is he needs Thomas badly this week especially against Bama and then us in 3 weeks.

Without a doubt we need to beat them and shut them the f*ck up....id love nothing more than to hand Jimbo a L in tally
“Brazilian coffee is one of few places that has a carnival and the coffee place a major role just as much as the dancing and the food,”

Fsu nothing but a community college with a big campus

Aww jrock mad cause I called his school a community college....well it is what it is a fu*king community college that's everyone's safe school.

I knew a nice kid in high school with down syndrome and he got into fsu
Fsu nothing but a community college with a big campus

The most respectable part of F$U's community college program is it's Circus Arts program. There, students can learn skills such as juggling, trapeze, and aerial ballet.
You get college credits at that community college for jumping on the lunch table and yelling: "fūck her right in the pu$$y". Double credits if you can beat a rape charge.

Neg that jrock
What an absolute joke. Guess that explains how MT6 went from ineligible to playing vs Bama 4 days before kickoff. Per the article:

Why Jimbo lied and said MT6 was "sick" the first week he found out he was ineligible, "One issue was that students were not allowed to make up missed assignments without a documented excuse, such as a medical problem, approved by the university."

Then after Jimbo lied about MT6 being sick we learn that, "Several players were allowed to make up missed assignments and quizzes long past the deadlines, even though course policy said it was “unacceptable to wait until the last week of class” to request it"

Classic example of how FSU operates:

"It was Mr. Wilder’s insistence that he should get a grade of B that seemed to have caused the most consternation. In his email to Professor Bonn, he claimed he had submitted work that he had not been credited for, while also acknowledging missing a handful of assignments and quizzes.

In response to the professor’s query, Ms. Suggs wrote that she “carefully reviewed James Wilder’s grades and can assure you that the work he missed is because he did not do it or did not turn it in.” She added, ”It is my opinion that he should have done the work like everyone else.”

Ms. Suggs had already graded Mr. Wilder’s final project, a PowerPoint presentation comparing coffee in Argentina and Kenya, which was incomplete. But Professor Bonn instructed her to allow him to submit missing sections and set a new deadline, prompting her to seek guidance from Mr. Sizemore, her colleague who had expressed concern about Professor Bonn’s “favoritism for athletes.”