Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

@Sigma_Cane_7 No lie; my chapter and Vegas chapter was on our way down to Tallahassee. Some of the Vegas Chapter members were UNLV football players. We were hellllla ****ed when we found out.

Trying to tell these guys **** was about to get real. FSU was getting calls from everywhere. Had to have a emergency meeting to keep other chapters from coming to tally looking for trouble. We got our get back though. Everyone loves our juice parties and we don’t forget. 🙅🏽‍♂️😎

It’s been a long time rivalry , ever since I can remember.

Tell em frat. Having played ball at the same school being a frat I can see why.

As @OriginalGatorHater pointed out, that dancing you se on fb (strolling, stepping) regardless if you agree or not ******* love it. And when ball players are not suited up as normal students watch frat boys get that attention from the same girls he’s smashed or wants to the ego gets into then BOOM! Jealously is born. Football players own Saturday on campus but most frats/sororities control the party scene. If you can’t see why there’s beef then you must have roomed with buddy at Stetson too.
Trying to tell these guys **** was about to get real. FSU was getting calls from everywhere. Had to have a emergency meeting to keep other chapters from coming to tally looking for trouble. We got our get back though. Everyone loves our juice parties and we don’t forget. 🙅🏽‍♂️😎

Look at Crimson Cane zzz'ing b/c he aint got the juice. lol. And he's really a Bama fan.
Trying to tell these guys **** was about to get real. FSU was getting calls from everywhere. Had to have a emergency meeting to keep other chapters from coming to tally looking for trouble. We got our get back though. Everyone loves our juice parties and we don’t forget. 🙅🏽‍♂️😎
Ill never forget my first juice jam. Hands down the best night out partying of my life....
Ill never forget my first juice jam. Hands down the best night out partying of my life....

Everyone Please look it up on YouTube.

I recommend everyone on this board attends a JJ. I was part of the “juice team”. 10 55 gallon drums of pure seeet death. I always told the girls don’t eat the fruit. They never listened.
FSU sure knows how to get the cool musical acts to Tally

I was trying to looking up a dude I use to play against in hs that went to fsu, and knew him a little bit to see what he was up to, and in googling his name, I ran across this article from his run in with a prostitute in tally. Yes the trick is full of ****, but peep what happened to McAllister's DNA...


Just making sure u’re not his friend named Sean in his story! Lol!!!
I played at FAM from 06-08 and pledged 07 at FAM. We were always at Union Wednesday and FSU Sigmas (Mu Ep) we’re always at our Set Friday. But that fight was on another level. The zetas were jumping on the players and they were getting dropped. One had to go tot he hospital. **** was bad blood for a while after that.

You knew my youngin Meechy>? he played ol?.