Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

His brother is god awful. Lets leave it at his interest is very real. On another note tai is visiting fspew this weekend. I told him i understand but we gonna have some issues if he commits to them. Hes probably gonna commit to clemson in 2 weeks but fspew is a possibility & pedophile u & usc. Penn state least likely cause he wants a warm climate. That makes bama a possibilty too. All of them have him #1 on their boards.

And we still aren’t prioritizing him D?

Tf do you care? We aren't allowed to make fun of vanilla ice now?

No for real, if we shouldn't make fun of this guy and the fact that fsu thinks it'd be cool to have him play at their spring game, then what exactly can we make fun of? Like what's more worthy?

I'll eagerly await your 33rd post.

Oh. You have most posts than I do. You so manly.
Young kids have been fighting “real wars” for the last 17 years.
Absolutely! Today’s troops are probably the best ever. I think we were talking about being drafted not today’s volunteer army. We had plenty of worthless pieces of crap in our day also. The difference was you had to go fight or hide in Canada; staying in mom’s basement and being big man on internet was not an option. Everyone went to high school with someone how died in Nam back then.

When I say “real” war I mean number of troops not level of fighting. If we end up in something with where a million or two combat troops are needed, volunteers will probably not be in large enough numbers. Then boys and girls,this time I’m sure, will be dragged out of homes to go kill or be killed whether Mom likes it or not. That is wha to mean. By, the way, today’s kids will kill just as well as we always have, it will just take a little more shock for them. Killing we do just as efficiently as everything else. It is in the dna.

I remember the day two Army Sargents came in my math class in freshmen year of college and remove two young boys. Seemed they has failed the course the year before and no longer qualified for deferments. Attention level in class was through the roof after that.
Absolutely! Today’s troops are probably the best ever. I think we were talking about being drafted not today’s volunteer army. We had plenty of worthless pieces of crap in our day also. The difference was you had to go fight or hide in Canada; staying in mom’s basement and being big man on internet was not an option. Everyone went to high school with someone how died in Nam back then.

When I say “real” war I mean number of troops not level of fighting. If we end up in something with where a million or two combat troops are needed, volunteers will probably not be in large enough numbers. Then boys and girls,this time I’m sure, will be dragged out of homes to go kill or be killed whether Mom likes it or not. That is wha to mean. By, the way, today’s kids will kill just as well as we always have, it will just take a little more shock for them. Killing we do just as efficiently as everything else. It is in the dna.

I remember the day two Army Sargents came in my math class in freshmen year of college and remove two young boys. Seemed they has failed the course the year before and no longer qualified for deferments. Attention level in class was through the roof after that.

You guys like to say this generation is soft, but I never met people that ***** and complain more then the Vietnam generation. All they do is ***** about the kids that their generation raised. Besides that go to any school in the any city and everyone knows tons of people that where killed. I got a whole drawer full of RIP T-shirts. Also, you guys like to conveniently leave out all of the ***** *** hippies you had back then that where protesting. Those guys count as your generation too.
You guys like to say this generation is soft, but I never met people that ***** and complain more then the Vietnam generation. All they do is ***** about the kids that their generation raised. Besides that go to any school in the any city and everyone knows tons of people that where killed. I got a whole drawer full of RIP T-shirts. Also, you guys like to conveniently leave out all of the ***** *** hippies you had back then that where protesting. Those guys count as your generation too.

Is this where we’re at now?! Should we be ****ed about ww2 veterans claiming to be the greatest generation. Every genearation has their share of heartless marshmallows. Let’s not argue over who’s had the softest.
Is this where we’re at now?! Should we be ****ed about ww2 veterans claiming to be the greatest generation. Every genearation has their share of heartless marshmallows. Let’s not argue over who’s had the softest.

First of all Im not saying Vietnam Veterans im talking about the generation of people in their 20s during the Vietnam war. Also, I didn't start it Gator Hator and Matador came in talking **** about the young dudes saying they are all soft and **** because they complain on social media or whatever when all that generation does is whine. Then he was bragging about how he knew a lot of dead people in HS and kids now don't see anyone die, but I had tons of my boys get killed in HS and still to this day.
Absolutely! Today’s troops are probably the best ever. I think we were talking about being drafted not today’s volunteer army. We had plenty of worthless pieces of crap in our day also. The difference was you had to go fight or hide in Canada; staying in mom’s basement and being big man on internet was not an option. Everyone went to high school with someone how died in Nam back then.

When I say “real” war I mean number of troops not level of fighting. If we end up in something with where a million or two combat troops are needed, volunteers will probably not be in large enough numbers. Then boys and girls,this time I’m sure, will be dragged out of homes to go kill or be killed whether Mom likes it or not. That is wha to mean. By, the way, today’s kids will kill just as well as we always have, it will just take a little more shock for them. Killing we do just as efficiently as everything else. It is in the dna.

I remember the day two Army Sargents came in my math class in freshmen year of college and remove two young boys. Seemed they has failed the course the year before and no longer qualified for deferments. Attention level in class was through the roof after that.
The draft was nasty. You fell out phase, meaning you were not progressing properly toward a degree, you lost your student deferment and at high risk. These two guys apparently went out-of-phase and must have ignored their notice for the draft physical.

I wonder what would have happened if Francy would have danced like that at his draft physical. They probably would have held him overnight to send him to a psychiatrist to verify his orientation. I' m sure there must have been instant fake homos back then trying to get out. I don't know how a medical guy can establish if you're lying.

Now, I guess it"s all different. If a *** guy wants to be in, he's in. It's all volunteer. I suspect that even trannies will sign up because they might be able to get the service to pay for their surgery.

I guess it shouldn't have to be a problem. Israel and other countries have *** soldiers fighting. I did have a friend, though, I think his name on Grassy was Hurricane John, who resigned his reserve commission over don't kiss-don't tell when Clinton did that. I can understand some men in close quarters wouldn't want to be with *** guys.

I'm not staying a value judgement or preference, just stating the reality.
First of all Im not saying Vietnam Veterans im talking about the generation of people in their 20s during the Vietnam war. Also, I didn't start it Gator Hator and Matador came in talking **** about the young dudes saying they are all soft and **** because they complain on social media or whatever when all that generation does is whine. Then he was bragging about how he knew a lot of dead people in HS and kids now don't see anyone die, but I had tons of my boys get killed in HS and still to this day.
I said that?
No sir... its whatever long as mike jr commits here i guess. Personally im all in on tai. Think hes gonna be a monster but losing out on him whos a gaurentee and getting no one isnt acceptable.
I assume the coaches are aware of the likelihood he will commit elsewhere. He was at camp, wasn't he? Why no offer? I don't understand. Maybe I read something and forgot it.
First of all Im not saying Vietnam Veterans im talking about the generation of people in their 20s during the Vietnam war. Also, I didn't start it Gator Hator and Matador came in talking **** about the young dudes saying they are all soft and **** because they complain on social media or whatever when all that generation does is whine. Then he was bragging about how he knew a lot of dead people in HS and kids now don't see anyone die, but I had tons of my boys get killed in HS and still to this day.
If matador is a veteran then his definition of friends getting killed might be a little different. Not taking anything away from what you feel or dishonoring your friends and their families. Unfortunately every generation sees the younger one as softer. It’s also unfortunate that for 17 years many youngsters have grown up in a country at war without ever feeling threatened and not appreciating what servicemen are actually protecting. Everyone has someone that they’re close the die. The circumstances behind those deaths makes a ton of difference.
If matador is a veteran then his definition of friends getting killed might be a little different. Not taking anything away from what you feel or dishonoring your friends and their families. Unfortunately every generation sees the younger one as softer. It’s also unfortunate that for 17 years many youngsters have grown up in a country at war without ever feeling threatened and not appreciating what servicemen are actually protecting. Everyone has someone that they’re close the die. The circumstances behind those deaths makes a ton of difference.

The quote was "Everyone went to high school with someone how died in Nam back then." I think literally seeing your boys(14-17 years old) get killed on your block would toughen you up more then hearing about it in a letter. I think most youngsters understand that the soldiers are defending them even more so then in Vietnam. We see terorrist attacks all the time. How many times did the Vietnamese take people out on American soil?
The quote was "Everyone went to high school with someone how died in Nam back then." I think literally seeing your boys(14-17 years old) get killed on your block would toughen you up more then hearing about it in a letter. I think most youngsters understand that the soldiers are defending them even more so then in Vietnam. We see terorrist attacks all the time. How many times did the Vietnamese take people out on American soil?[/QUOTE
There were almost 60k killed and about 140k wounded. We didn’t need Vietnam to conduct a terrorist attack because the country was terrorized by the amount of young men and women being brought over draped in an American flag. The war on terror has cost the lives of over 7k in 17 years. The Vietnam war **** near caused a revolution. Yes the country felt safe but they also felt the cost.
And don’t act like you don’t go out cause a terrorist might shoot or blow the place up.
The problem you seem to have is the disconnect people have when it comes to the deaths of young men in the inner city as opposed to the battle field especially when the inner city deaths dwarf the battlefield numbers. Then having someone call you soft after living through that experience.
The disconnect will lie because unfortunately the inner city deaths are murders and it’s hard for people to get behind those no matter how sad and tragic. The country has become numb to death reports even when toddlers get shot by strays.
Just yesterday a pararescuemen died in Iraq. Just a quick mention in the news just like the kid who dies from a stray bullet. Plenty of people have suffered through a lot of death but that doesn’t make you a soft or hard person. It’s a bit more complicated than that. If that’s the case than the Iraqis and afghans are some hard mfers and plenty of 18 year old servicemen out there that have never seen one person in their lives die have put plenty of those dudes to shame.
If matador is a veteran then his definition of friends getting killed might be a little different. Not taking anything away from what you feel or dishonoring your friends and their families. Unfortunately every generation sees the younger one as softer. It’s also unfortunate that for 17 years many youngsters have grown up in a country at war without ever feeling threatened and not appreciating what servicemen are actually protecting. Everyone has someone that they’re close the die. The circumstances behind those deaths makes a ton of difference.
I'm not a veteran and certain statements are being attributed to me that I did not make.

I don't think many or even most if today's young people know the sacrifice many of my generation made. I'm not saying I did. I do think many millennials are soft, spoiled and self-centered. Many, not all.

They lead a privileged life, have many of the expensive toys (iPads, IPhones, expensive computers, etc.) they want and don't face having it all taken away by being forced to go to war.

When I used to watch the rolling lists of the latest killed in Iraq or Afghanistan on the Sunday morning show on ABC, it was overwhelmingly kids from smaller towns, rural areas and less affluent areas. They had to join up to get out, to get a job. Little opportunity for them where they lived.

I don't claim to be a hero or to have made the sacrifices many of my generation and that some of today's millennials have made. Most millennials don't have to fear being uprooted, having their lives disrupted and the possibility of being killed in Asia.

I don't think I knew anybody killed in Viet Nam. It could be some I went to HS were but I wouldn't know. I lost touch with my classmates not long after I went to college.

Most of my friends and I were lucky. We had student deferments and did not get called. Maybe in WW II we would not have described it as luck. Attitudes about Viet Nam were very different. .

There was a sense of duty about WW II that was not there with Viet Nam.
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I assume the coaches are aware of the likelihood he will commit elsewhere. He was at camp, wasn't he? Why no offer? I don't understand. Maybe I read something and forgot it.
Easiest way to put it i guess without starting a tissy out of this one dude is lil richt is all in on mike jr. Its whatever long as we get a commit.
There were almost 60k killed and about 140k wounded. We didn’t need Vietnam to conduct a terrorist attack because the country was terrorized by the amount of young men and women being brought over draped in an American flag. The war on terror has cost the lives of over 7k in 17 years. The Vietnam war **** near caused a revolution. Yes the country felt safe but they also felt the cost.
And don’t act like you don’t go out cause a terrorist might shoot or blow the place up.
The problem you seem to have is the disconnect people have when it comes to the deaths of young men in the inner city as opposed to the battle field especially when the inner city deaths dwarf the battlefield numbers. Then having someone call you soft after living through that experience.
The disconnect will lie because unfortunately the inner city deaths are murders and it’s hard for people to get behind those no matter how sad and tragic. The country has become numb to death reports even when toddlers get shot by strays.
Just yesterday a pararescuemen died in Iraq. Just a quick mention in the news just like the kid who dies from a stray bullet. Plenty of people have suffered through a lot of death but that doesn’t make you a soft or hard person. It’s a bit more complicated than that. If that’s the case than the Iraqis and afghans are some hard mfers and plenty of 18 year old servicemen out there that have never seen one person in their lives die have put plenty of those dudes to shame.
What's going on in inner city is horrendous. Many Innocents become victims. I live outside D.C. and know Baltimore well.

I spent time in Chicago and loved that great city.

What's happening in these citiesa is tragic. I read that most gun deaths in US (outside of suicides, which account for a great number) occur in inner city. For families who try to raise kids in the inner city and avoid trouble it is horrendous.

No, you don't hear much about it.

The kids who grow up in that environment cannot be described as spoiled or soft.
There were almost 60k killed and about 140k wounded. We didn’t need Vietnam to conduct a terrorist attack because the country was terrorized by the amount of young men and women being brought over draped in an American flag. The war on terror has cost the lives of over 7k in 17 years. The Vietnam war **** near caused a revolution. Yes the country felt safe but they also felt the cost.
And don’t act like you don’t go out cause a terrorist might shoot or blow the place up.
The problem you seem to have is the disconnect people have when it comes to the deaths of young men in the inner city as opposed to the battle field especially when the inner city deaths dwarf the battlefield numbers. Then having someone call you soft after living through that experience.
The disconnect will lie because unfortunately the inner city deaths are murders and it’s hard for people to get behind those no matter how sad and tragic. The country has become numb to death reports even when toddlers get shot by strays.
Just yesterday a pararescuemen died in Iraq. Just a quick mention in the news just like the kid who dies from a stray bullet. Plenty of people have suffered through a lot of death but that doesn’t make you a soft or hard person. It’s a bit more complicated than that. If that’s the case than the Iraqis and afghans are some hard mfers and plenty of 18 year old servicemen out there that have never seen one person in their lives die have put plenty of those dudes to shame.

I think you misunderstood my post. I don't think knowing people that get killed makes you tough. I was replying to someone that said that and used facts to back up my opinion. The point I made is that people are not softer now then they where in the Vietnam days. I actually think they are tougher personally because the Baby Boomers always whine and complain about everything and need to go to their safe place whenever they see something they disagree with. I don't worry about terrorist attacks, but if when they happen they happen in cities not in suburbs/rural areas so we would be the ones that actually get affected. I can't speak for the whole country just like you can't, but in the inner city people I know are numb to death in general. People get killed all the time, but its just part of everyday life. If you disagree then we can agree to disagree now lets get back to Nole Tears.

Also, I am sure the vietnam vets are very tough, but the regular citizens of the time are not is my point.
You guys like to say this generation is soft, but I never met people that ***** and complain more then the Vietnam generation. All they do is ***** about the kids that their generation raised. Besides that go to any school in the any city and everyone knows tons of people that where killed. I got a whole drawer full of RIP T-shirts. Also, you guys like to conveniently leave out all of the ***** *** hippies you had back then that where protesting. Those guys count as your generation too.

Like I said, we had plenty of worthless crap in our day too, hippies foremost among them. My kids are “X’er’s” but yeap, for the most part we raised kids badly. In my case, it was our children who raised their share of millinials.

By the way, you have not heard complaining until you heard ours parents talking about us — the kids they raised. Considering the fact that my dad blew up his one room county school house—accident without injuries— I doubt his dad was please with him either.