Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

His rap name is “Plies”, real name Algernod Lanier Washington - per Wiki. And i believe played at USF for a short time back in the day.

No, he’s not Haitian.
Also played for the fake Miami before transferring to USF. Hosted my older cousin from Lake Wales on his OV there...

Imagine your name being Bud
Terence Crawford GIF by UFC
Still pushing the narrative that JJ was a silent flip.
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Right here, this is the difference between Miami coaches/fans and F$U coaches/fans.

The F$U coaches and fanbase were so self-delusional, so high on their own 13-0 supply...that they could not FATHOM a recruit said the same thing to three different schools because he was struggling to break the bad news to multiple coaching staffs.

Meanwhile, Miami coaches and fans knew we were fighting an uphill battle the whole time. We never presumed that we had him, we did everything we could to address every issue.

Ultimately, Taint topped our NIL offer AND put it in writing, the last two things Smith needed to fax his REAL Letter of Intent.

F$U never had a chance. They got ****y and complacent, and finished in third place. Not even a set of steak knives.
Right here, this is the difference between Miami coaches/fans and F$U coaches/fans.

The F$U coaches and fanbase were so self-delusional, so high on their own 13-0 supply...that they could not FATHOM a recruit said the same thing to three different schools because he was struggling to break the bad news to multiple coaching staffs.

Meanwhile, Miami coaches and fans knew we were fighting an uphill battle the whole time. We never presumed that we had him, we did everything we could to address every issue.

Ultimately, Taint topped our NIL offer AND put it in writing, the last two things Smith needed to fax his REAL Letter of Intent.

F$U never had a chance. They got ****y and complacent, and finished in third place. Not even a set of steak knives.
My issue with this guy is that he $hits on Miami every chance he gets. He even passively aggressively implies that Gaby and David Lake are unethical journalists that are spreading lies to help Miami recruit and then their board runs with it.

At the same time, if we were to take his spin as truth, then Smith, Trader, and Patterson were all silents to fsu at some point. He can’t take an L and keeps pushing whatever kool-aid his readers will slurp up.
Yes, they have an agreement because it's benefited their financial need. The short version is:

Their lands were stolen. They were hunted and starved to the point of extinction and placed onto lands nobody wanted that we call Reservations. So, after over a century, they traded their NIL for their continued survival.

If I starve you to near death and give you food in exchange for your NIL, it doesn't make it right.

If people understood and followed history, they would be appalled. It's the most brilliant move not only by the State of Florida, but the United States in general. If you control the name, image, and likeness, you control the narrative. You control history. A person not knowing the history would think the relationship with all the natives (not just Seminoles) was cordial and nurturing like the Thanksgiving we celebrate. The truth is it's closer to the relationship Hitler had with the people he tried to exterminate. That’s the truth.

People don't know of the atrocities committed against Native Americans. The culture has been hijacked into tomahawk chops and burning spears. When people think Seminole National, they think Florida State University not the Seminole tribe. The atrocities of history have been washed away. The most brilliant hijacking ever committed.

Looking through this lens is how I've always viewed the situation.
The Seminole Tribe is very powerful and very wealthy. I have a close friend involved in business with them and he knows a good amount about them. They have highly skilled people working for them, both internally and externally.

They are not being taken advantage of by FSU. They’re not mad at FSU. They’re not being robbed by FSU. They are plenty capable of deciding what’s acceptable to them. Again, they are wealthy, powerful and well represented and advised and they maintain an agreement with FSU that they deem respects their Name, Image and Likeness. It’s their call.

Plenty of people are aware of at least some atrocities of the many against a number of groups, but yes, the treatment of Native Americans has been abysmal historically. That said, this is about the Seminole tribe and the Seminole Tribe is thriving today. They can decide for themselves what’s an acceptable use of their NIL.

If you want to continue discussing this topic, please start a thread in Town Hall or Off Topic on it. This is a Tears thread so this is going into derail land.
The Seminole Tribe is very powerful and very wealthy. I have a close friend involved in business with them and he knows a good amount about them. They have highly skilled people working for them, both internally and externally.

They are not being taken advantage of by FSU. They’re not mad at FSU. They’re not being robbed by FSU. They are plenty capable of deciding what’s acceptable to them. Again, they are wealthy, powerful and well represented and advised and they maintain an agreement with FSU that they deem respects their Name, Image and Likeness. It’s their call.

Plenty of people are aware of at least some atrocities of the many against a number of groups, but yes, the treatment of Native Americans has been abysmal historically. That said, this is about the Seminole tribe and the Seminole Tribe is thriving today. They can decide for themselves what’s an acceptable use of their NIL.

If you want to continue discussing this topic, please start a thread in Town Hall or Off Topic on it. This is a Tears thread so this is going into derail land.
The wealth came later after the submission. Don't get it twisted.

Yes, they have done the deal with the devil. It doesn't make it just. For what has been gained, much has been lost. Especially for other tribes not financially set. They get all the downside with little compensation.
The Seminole Tribe is very powerful and very wealthy. I have a close friend involved in business with them and he knows a good amount about them. They have highly skilled people working for them, both internally and externally.

They are not being taken advantage of by FSU. They’re not mad at FSU. They’re not being robbed by FSU. They are plenty capable of deciding what’s acceptable to them. Again, they are wealthy, powerful and well represented and advised and they maintain an agreement with FSU that they deem respects their Name, Image and Likeness. It’s their call.

Plenty of people are aware of at least some atrocities of the many against a number of groups, but yes, the treatment of Native Americans has been abysmal historically. That said, this is about the Seminole tribe and the Seminole Tribe is thriving today. They can decide for themselves what’s an acceptable use of their NIL.

If you want to continue discussing this topic, please start a thread in Town Hall or Off Topic on it. This is a Tears thread so this is going into derail land.
I mean, considering people with Seminole ancestry get about a 400k annual stipend, it seems like the tribe is doing ok for itself
The Seminole Tribe is very powerful and very wealthy. I have a close friend involved in business with them and he knows a good amount about them. They have highly skilled people working for them, both internally and externally.

They are not being taken advantage of by FSU. They’re not mad at FSU. They’re not being robbed by FSU. They are plenty capable of deciding what’s acceptable to them. Again, they are wealthy, powerful and well represented and advised and they maintain an agreement with FSU that they deem respects their Name, Image and Likeness. It’s their call.

Plenty of people are aware of at least some atrocities of the many against a number of groups, but yes, the treatment of Native Americans has been abysmal historically. That said, this is about the Seminole tribe and the Seminole Tribe is thriving today. They can decide for themselves what’s an acceptable use of their NIL.

If you want to continue discussing this topic, please start a thread in Town Hall or Off Topic on it. This is a Tears thread so this is going into derail land.

Yes, the Tribe is in good shape now. Dexter Lehtinen has helped them transform their situation over the past couple of decades, as they got into gambling and acquired Hard Rock.

You and I are also old enough to remember the days of driving through tribal lands, when the big moneymaker was the roadside stand selling tax-free cigarettes and alcohol. That was as recent as the 1980s and early 1990s just as they were building the first casino.

I will just say this, I don't feel that the purchase/sale of NIL by some tribes is some sort of permanent justification for a certain type of cultural appropriation. I would be more OK with the use of the logo if the "dressing up" and "doing the warchant" were not a part of the "licensed" fun and games.

Just my two cents. There are valid arguments for/against. I will say, I was at a particular UM-FSU home game in the 1990s, and sitting in a section with quite a few Seminoles (the real ones, not the FSU alums) and they were NOT fans of the warchant. Not sure if they would feel the same way today, but I definitely think that money has had an impact.