Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

Jacksonville State player a potential transfer target for the Noles:
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We are in the top 10 now with 14 commits. Are these clowns sniffing glue? We are a locked to make the top 10. We have the 5th highest point pee player average and thats with 6 3 stars committed. The average is only gonna go up.
We have a legit chance with the four highest uncommitted players on the composite. That doesn’t even include guys like Aguero, Okunlola, Wilson, Bryant, Hykeem, Bain, Bonsu, Alinen, etc.. lol
I can’t wait to see the tour that Norvell gives him.

First, Jalen will be greeted by an overexcited coach as the Warchant plays via a cassette tape in someone’s car. At least until the tape gets snared up in the audio system.

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Then it will be off to their hallowed outdoor practice field...

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After this, Jalen will be escorted by security into the high tech, state of the art training center. There he can see the gains he can look forward to making.

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After that, it’s off to the team meeting room. There FSU focuses their players on the challenge facing them on the coming weekend.

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Concerns about gastrointestinal noise distractions will be dismissed, as Norvell will declare that the popperi of smells serve to heighten the senses.

Next, he’ll be proudly shown FSU’s state of the art film breakdown. “And when I say film, I don’t actually mean 16mm film,” Norvell’s audio media intern will say. “We’ve upgraded to the finest in analog video quality possible. 480P!”

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Following this revelation, Coach will turn to him and ask, “You hungry? I sure am. Let’s go get some fixins!”

Security will then escort Jalen towards the dining hall. And they will be needed. He’ll find it unusual when he sees hungry football players trying to get in, but being told “You can only use your War Card three times a day, within a 8am to 6pm window”

Then the entourage arrives in the dining hall, where he will get to see an unusual spread of food.

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Finally, after all this FSU will sit down with the Warchant Collective to discuss future earning potential with this august program. Various revenue streams will be reviewed.

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With this incentives now broached, Norvell will turn to Jalen and say, “We have had dozens of five star players walk through these doors and say no. I never could get it. But you Jalen, you have the chance to be first. The one in 1 and 23.

What do you say?”
Did you forget about their epic new locker room, all white with strategic sticker placement?
Did you forget about their epic new locker room, all white with strategic sticker placement?
Ah yes. He’ll then be brought into what appears to be an all white room. Looking around, it will be as if he, Norvell, and the security force were swallowed up by a sea of white. But then as his escorts step aside, Jean notices the large, round, pink couches interspersed throughout the room.

Norvell will pat one. “Firm, ain’t it?”

Jean looks closer at the couch. It smells minty fresh.

He then realizes that floor is wet. And despite the smell coming from the couch, there is a slight, acrid undertone to it all.

The coach smiles.

“Here at FSU we believe in the environment. And we believe in taking care of our players. Believe it or not this just isn’t our locker room. It’s also our team…what did they call it again….our team evacuation facilities.”

Yep, those couches, they’re urinal cakes too!”

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Not for nothing but Simmons has a great frame to work with. He may be raw but he’s a project guy worth taking. That said, if a developmental guy is your main OL signee, you’re in trouble.

It's all good, Prison Mike has a few more years at F$U to wait around for these kids to develop. Lord knows, F$U can't afford to fire him...


Beta move! Dugans has no juice on the trail and his coaching is underwhelming! Brown visiting that dumpster fire tells me everything thing I need to know about him. I understand why CBs choose Bama and Georgia. I understand why QBs like Lincoln Riley…. But Brown is just plain running out of town. Give me two of Keem, Andy, and/or Fowles (alphas)! Good riddance!
As objectively as I can possibly be:

Vs Duquesne - W
@ LSU (in New Orleans) - L
@ Louisville - L
Vs BC - W
Vs Wake Forest - L
Vs Clemson - L
Vs GTech - W
@ Miami - L
@ Syracuse - L
Vs ULL - W
Vs UF - L

I’m got’em going 4-8, with a possibility to be 5-7 or 6-6 at best.

There’s no objective metric that can be measured that can possibly predict them to get 8 wins.

In terms of odds & probability it’s not impossible, they’d have to play well above their means or any capability that they’ve shown thus far in the Norvell era, but the odds of that are very very very very very very low...
I'm not convinced they can't beat UF. Not convinced they can, but a lot about UF to question at this point. We'll have a better idea halfway through the season.
As objectively as I can possibly be:

Vs Duquesne - W
@ LSU (in New Orleans) - L
@ Louisville - L
Vs BC - W
Vs Wake Forest - L
Vs Clemson - L
Vs GTech - W
@ Miami - L
@ Syracuse - L
Vs ULL - W
Vs UF - L

I’m got’em going 4-8, with a possibility to be 5-7 or 6-6 at best.

There’s no objective metric that can be measured that can possibly predict them to get 8 wins.

In terms of odds & probability it’s not impossible, they’d have to play well above their means or any capability that they’ve shown thus far in the Norvell era, but the odds of that are very very very very very very low...
This is very similar to what I see for them this season. I see then going 5-7 this season, and if they play lights out, 6-6.
I wouldn’t mind he wins 8 games and gets a five year extension
It’s about talent acquisition
And the gap between him and Mario is massive and it will never change
His ceiling is wake forest
We’re getting playoff level talent

They'll be kissing his feet if he wins 7 citing "great progress" and "turned the corner" or whatever other cliches they got.