No Fee Friday- Tickets

They should give 2500 tickets to youth football programs and pack the stadium with future Canes.

Especially since the upper deck student section is never used.
I always wondered why they don’t do this. Youth and HS teams in the area should 100% get free tickets. Norland a hop/skip/jump away…. Get as many kids as you can at these games. Memories are things that kids hold dear… prob why most of us are cane fans in the first place
I always wondered why they don’t do this. Youth and HS teams in the area should 100% get free tickets. Norland a hop/skip/jump away…. Get as many kids as you can at these games. Memories are things that kids hold dear… prob why most of us are cane fans in the first place
I'm sure there is some NCAA rule preventing it but there has to be a way to work the system to get 5k future canes into the building.
Bumping this thread. And all ticket related threads until next Friday.

Get to the game. Lower bowl seats are almost gone off the Miami website, maybe 100 left.
I appreciate the work you do on this haha crowd **** bothers me more than it should. We got BAILED out by that delay last week because it was a horrendous showing.
I always wondered why they don’t do this. Youth and HS teams in the area should 100% get free tickets. Norland a hop/skip/jump away…. Get as many kids as you can at these games. Memories are things that kids hold dear… prob why most of us are cane fans in the first place
Youths play on saturdays so its a bit harder.

Maybe to high schools palm beach down though a certain allotment. As well as youth for the night games on saturday
I appreciate the work you do on this haha crowd **** bothers me more than it should. We got BAILED out by that delay last week because it was a horrendous showing.

I've been going to Hurricane games long enough to know that when the city is engaged with the Hurricanes Miami is one of the most dangerous places to play in all of college football. You don't want to play Miami when the Miami game becomes a Miami event. No other city or school can match that. It's the flip side of fans being disengaged so often. You're not selling out every game so when you do it is very apparent in the vibe and electricity. If you're Ohio State selling out every game it may get louder during big games but visually it's similar. When you walk into a Miami stadium and it's packed you're like, "whoa, this is different". It also helps that the general population of Miami that provides most of the attendance is full of crazy people.

The team now is good enough to deserve that and I don't think the city has completely caught up yet with what's going on. So I want people to come up to speed. I'm hoping we go to Tampa this weekend and blow them out because then I think a lot more people will be paying attention.

I always go back to the 2000-2003 seasons:

FSU 2002: 81,927
FSU 2000: 80,905
Florida 2003: 79,932
Washington 2001: 78,114
Va Tech 2000: 77,410

Those attendance numbers are the max capacity numbers at Doak, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Clemson. Make fun of Miami but you're talking about filing a stadium that, at the time, would have been top 10 in the country. When the city of Miami is engaged the stadium is a f***ing nut house. It's not 30,000 students and 40,000 geriatric alumni. It's full of guys like Raul, the general contractor from Hialeah that never gets permits before he starts a job and roasted a pig in the parking lot two hours ago.
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Youths play on saturdays so its a bit harder.

Maybe to high schools palm beach down though a certain allotment. As well as youth for the night games on saturday

good point, but with some effort and coordination you can still get kids and their parents into the stadium. among other reasons, it would be a long term investment for future recruiting.