No Canes in the new Rivals 100, give me a break...

SMH at them having Greg Bryant at #16 in the nation. That is monumental absurdity on an outrageous level. Not only that, they have him ranked ahead of Matthew Thomas...


No one in their right mind, who has seen these two play, would even mention Bryant in the same breath as Thomas as it would be too offensive and disrespectful to 6.

And to top it off, the most heinous, vile, and blasphemous act.....leaving our beloved Kevin Olsen off the list.

I'm done with Rivals mane. done.

SMH at them having Greg Bryant at #16 in the nation. That is monumental absurdity on an outrageous level. Not only that, they have him ranked ahead of Matthew Thomas...


No one in their right mind, who has seen these two play, would even mention Bryant in the same breath as Thomas as it would be too offensive and disrespectful to 6.

And to top it off, the most heinous, vile, and blasphemous act.....leaving our beloved Kevin Olsen off the list.

I'm done with Rivals mane. done.

As long as we like our guys that's good enough for me.
Olsen was hurt for most of the year, so him dropping is understandable. Golden is not Coker. He doesn't seem to care about stars and goes by the eyeball test, which is a much more valid star rating then rivals, scout etc.
Those sites hit a lot, but when you rate 50 guys a 5 star you are going to hit for a high average. Any poster on this site can make their own list and post it on a web site and 4 years from now say, "look I knew those 20 guys were going to be great. Just disregard the other 30 I missed on."
This staff gets who they think can play football. **** stars.

Give me more Eddie Johnsons and Rashawn Scotts. Fine by me.