Nkosi Perry?

Perry is 170 pounds and bow legged as ****. Not that impressed with him. I hope he's the real deal, but judging strictly by Sr. Year film, Weldon looks like a better prospect.

You got no idea what you are talking about. If you played any sport you'd know that there are those skinny wirey types that are just stronger than they appear.

This guy is built like that. Unlike, for example, Jacory "The Ethiopian" Harris, who was skinny and soft.

Dude, it's 2017 and you're still playing the race card?! ��
Not to mention the fact that your message lacks as much substance as the Shift key when you're typing. ��

Racism is still prevalent in 2017. To say it doesn't is naive.. I hate how people always say what isn't racist or that it doesn't exist .

Pretty sure Kaaya and Rosier are black QBs.

As for Perry beating out Weldon - , please. Cade is the future.

Harris -> Morris -> Kaaya -> Rosier... when was the last time we had a white QB?

dude stop dreaming, kaaya rosier? plus when have we had an top black qb want to play for us?

Pretty sure Kaaya and Harris were top rated... forgot about Marve, he started along side Harris in 08'. Rosier is only other QB to start a game during the Kaaya era, not saying he starts next year but he did already.

Just pointing out that racism claim here is kind of retarded... does racism exist? Yes. With Miami starting QBs? Probably not, at least not in the past 8-9 years.
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