Nkosi perry looks really good according to Jameis winston

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I've never seen such much Rapeis ****gobbling in my life.

Fūck each and every one of you FSU nut garglers.

Throwing the football around with an NFL quarterback, and maybe some NFL receivers, for a couple of afternoons, sure it won't hurt. But if you actually think it's going to make any kind of a distinguishable difference into what Perry does, then you're idiots and you're dreaming. You've never played a sport in your life. You've never thrown a football in your life. That's for sure.

Stop swallowing Jameis fūck stick, you look like a bunch of cucks.

stfu retarded *** clown / dude having a fckn panic attack over Jameis Winston gtfoh and go cry. weirdo mad bc N'Kosi learning from Jameis hahahaaa shut yo sensitive *** up.

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I've never seen such much Rapeis ****gobbling in my life.

Fūck each and every one of you FSU nut garglers.

Throwing the football around with an NFL quarterback, and maybe some NFL receivers, for a couple of afternoons, sure it won't hurt. But if you actually think it's going to make any kind of a distinguishable difference into what Perry does, then you're idiots and you're dreaming. You've never played a sport in your life. You've never thrown a football in your life. That's for sure.

Stop swallowing Jameis fūck stick, you look like a bunch of cucks.

stfu retarded *** clown / dude having a fckn panic attack over Jameis Winston gtfoh and go cry. weirdo mad bc N'Kosi learning from Jameis hahahaaa shut yo sensitive *** up.

Some people on here so **** corny that it don't make no **** sense smh. People mad perry that winston worked out with perry LOL. Mfs get mad at anything
You low comprehension imbeciles, that includes you, broke, need to have things explained to you several times before you finally understand them. Personally, I'm not angry that Perry worked out with crab legs, as a matter fact it's not a bad idea, since a couple of sessions of throwing the ball around isn't going to hurt anything. It isn't really going to help anything either. But OK, sure, why not.

What I find lame as fūck, is people like you using a meaningless couple of throw sessions, to take the opportunity to suck off crab legs. It's also retarded to think that the sessions are going to have any kind of meaningful impact in the slightest on Perry's career or what he's going to do as a freshman this year.

Give me a break, you lame fūcks are on your knees and gagging like bītches at a Jameis gloryhole.
I think this thread has gone the way of the **** eater.
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