N'Kosi and Jameis

Once your not longer getting money and perks from FSU's bagman.. you have no reason to stay loyal to FSU.

I do hope Winston tell Perry how to bulk up faster because Jameis went from fat to slim in 1 off-season.

Jameis could care less about FSU.

This is wildly inaccurate. He is absolutely 100% Nole through and through.

It just so happens that given the opportunity to help a young athlete reach his full potential, he'd rather not be petty.

Let's just hope NP doesn't take up any of Fameis' courtship advice.

Jameis is the type of narcissist who jerks off to his own reflection. FSU was just the best place for him to serve his mandatory time in College. Guys like Winston are loyal to nobody except themselves.

He's probably made more trips to Miami than Tallahassee since he left.

Not going to spend another second on Fameis Jameis, except to say during his "mandatory sentence" to CFB, he won a NC and a Hesiman, so I am perfectly fine with our guy working out with him. I hope Perry has equal success here. If it chaps FSU fans ***, all the better bonus.
As long as he's not shopping for crab legs with him, I'm fine with it.
I just hope he isn't trying to do anything to get Perry in trouble with the NCAA....little fsu sabotage cause they scared
Does Jameis have no respect for being an FSU alum? Perry is absolutely doing the right thing here, but why is Winston mentoring a Cane?

At the end of the day, its a NFL QB mentoring a younger QB. Nothing more. Players actually don't hate their rivals as much as we (fans) do. He sees it as an opportunity to work with a youngster, so he works with him to help him learn his craft. Now what we don't want, like the poster above stated, is Jameis giving him dating advice.
Good! Taking his preparation seriously. Hope he is ready to come in and compete to start.
Always good for one of our guys to get advice from an NFL QB. I don't care if he played at FSU. Hopefully, Perry can imitate Winston's success on the field while avoiding his off field shenanigans.
Jameis has grown on me over the years. I'm actually a fan. Feels good to get that off my chest.
I have no problem with this...

Say what you want about Jameis, but you can't deny he works his *** off... Those of y'all that are Buccs fan know that (I'm not a Buccs fan, but I watch some of their games because of Lavonte David & Mike Evans was on my fantasy team lol).

Also, this is another reason why I'm so high on Perry, some of y'all might not understand how much of a baller Kosi really is.

The kid is highly intelligent & is by far the best passer & overall QB in the State, and has been for the last two years.

Yeah, him not being an EE could hurt, but he's not coming in green, he has the playbook already & trust that he'll be ready to go this Summer.