@NicKane Get in here!

You show one post and think that gets you redemption from changing a banner? Lol. Your name is garbage around here.

Lol oh no my name is “garbage” here how will I survive!

sorry I don’t link you to all my posts critiquing the entire staff throughout the season

and I didn’t change the banner but found the situation funny like many others
Lol oh no my name is “garbage” here how will I survive!

sorry I don’t link you to all my posts critiquing the entire staff throughout the season

and I didn’t change the banner but found the situation funny like many others

Your posts indicate otherwise, but I'd try to backtrack if I'd changed the banner too - because you look like an idiot

Lol oh no my name is “garbage” here how will I survive!

sorry I don’t link you to all my posts critiquing the entire staff throughout the season

and I didn’t change the banner but found the situation funny like many others

LMFAO!!! You were one of the biggest slurpers on this board. Easily top 5. Stop trying to play it off like you were some partial fan.
once again like I said in the previous topic show where I “slurped” besides defending the recruiting

I’ll wait

Why would I waste my time digging through your ********* porsts, when everyone already knows the truth? LOL!! The backpedaling you are doing is absolutely laughable. At least @Go Canes!! admitted he was a delusional slurper. It is pathetic you can't man up and do the same.
Why would I waste my time digging through your ********* porsts, when everyone already knows the truth? LOL!! The backpedaling you are doing is absolutely laughable. At least @Go Canes!! admitted he was a delusional slurper. It is pathetic you can't man up and do the same.

Once again either show proof or you can stop posting

I’ve blasted the coaching staff plenty, sorry you can’t read
Once again either show proof or you can stop posting

I’ve blasted the coaching staff plenty, sorry you can’t read

Once again. I am not going to dig through the rambling thoughts of a slurping peon. I have no need since everyone already knows the truth. You were not some fringe slurper that I need to show proof of your slurping to out you. Everyone already knows this. I just am having fun watching you make up excuses.
Once again. I am not going to dig through the rambling thoughts of a slurping peon. I have no need since everyone already knows the truth. You were not some fringe slurper that I need to show proof of your slurping to out you. Everyone already knows this. I just am having fun watching you make up excuses.

Once again wrong