NFL talent

Wow really JG is soo dam smooth running routes and yac with tons of production I would be surprised. Barrow coming on strong I believe he's about 290lb range too I think he'll get drafted late as situational pass rusher. Alston is borderline but he just produces everywhere too. He could be a 3-4 stand up pass rusher later in the draft

He is smooth but he is undersized, not a burner and is not a return guy. IMO, he has to stay at the 700-900 yards in order to have a chance to get drafted.

As for Barrow, need to see more, tbh. At 290, is not your typical 0 technique war daddy. He has to show he can be a penetrating guy from the inside.

I think Alston is the ideal body type for the pros but will need to produce with TFLs/sacks in order to have a chance at being drafted.
What have you seen from Frederique that says 1st round pick?
Probably the fact that he's starting as a True Freshman.
The fact that he's starting as a TF at the hardest position in football is a good start, but he actually looks like a lockdown corner. Nobody's throwing at him or getting separation, & when they have he's all over the WR. When you see him talk, he seems to have the right mindset and backbone for the position. When we've seen our WRs talk about him in practice, he's the first one they bring up and you can see it in their faces and expressions. OJ's a bad MF.
Just curious - I don't pretend to be an OL expert, what holds Cooper back from having a 1st round ceiling?
He’s going to have to test very well to go first round. And i don’t have verified tested numbers for him but he’s not your typical lineman either as he could have went power 5 by him being a dt on defense too. We will see
Until Tua*, the golden rule used to be never draft an Alabama QB. When one college program in particular was allowed to cheat year after year and purchase a nfl roster, it made it impossible to evaluate one of their QBs. Their qbs put up crazy stats, but reality is they were throwing to WRs that were getting paid NFL salaries under the table and had an OL that cost more than a NFL OL (it’s not cheap to get a player’s parents a no-show job paying 6 figures).

*As much as I like Tua as a person (he seems like a genuinely good kid), I never thought he would be successful in the NFL and wanted the fins to take Herbert.
I wanted Herbert too, and now Tua is hurt. He needs to retire.
Winning games and coming from a program is of great value to NFL scouts. It backfires at times (Alabama QB's) but we will have some guys who maybe outkick their coverage in the draft a bit due to who they play for...
Just curious - I don't pretend to be an OL expert, what holds Cooper back from having a 1st round ceiling?
I'm no expert either but he lacks traits that previous 1st rounders had. He's not an athletic linemen and has inconsistent play. Maybe this will sound silly but I also haven't heard his name mentioned in the Twitter draft circles.