Next years win total

There are definitely some double jointed dudes in here

Not you @BS85 but definitely others.
Fall Down GIF by CBS
That's why I included the word SEEM. Don't let the nuance get past you next time.

Why you so triggered?
BigDikDaddy, you know that old expression “ Opinions are like A**h**es, everyone one has one.”? Well, on CIS,..Unfortunately it’s the opposite. There’s plenty of A**h**es and they all have opinions. Me included.
BigDikDaddy, you know that old expression “ Opinions are like A**h**es, everyone one has one.”? Well, on CIS,..Unfortunately it’s the opposite. There’s plenty of A**h**es and they all have opinions. Me included.
Haha - agreed. You know who else is in the As$hole Hall of Fame? Me. First ballot winner. Not to brag, but I'm kind of a big deal in the a-hole world.

@JamesQuall tranzlayshun: Hahaa. Eye agrea. U no hoo els iz inn the azswhole haul uv fayme? mee. furst balit weiner. Not two bragg, butt eye amm chynd uv a bigg deel inn the azswhole wurld.
You’re right. A lot going on there and let’s be honest, looking at schedules too hard at this point is tough because teams can change pretty drastically from year to year

Our schedule is **** on paper but who really knows once the season starts

I could see FSU having a very difficult start and you drop one of those ugly games early and the negative momentum could start
I just like this last sentence
Hey i said it was dumb lmao....however, yours was too since we didn’t even have Cam and that was literally right after we lost to Rutgers so everyonewas ****ed. Im sure there's a thread in between those two time periods that shows the true sentiment but im too lazy to look for it.
Someone did. A lot said 10. I stand corrected.
This is a question that has to wait on who’s on the team next year. NIL etc has ruined the wait till next year narrative. College football has been changed forever. True fans and alum of the college game have been ****ed.