New Unis !! (We hope)

First off, I’m jealous of ur collection. Second, I’m assuming the one to the right in the Nike & I know the one up front is Adidas by the shade of green. @Hurracanes

I did bruh. The lighting is different on all of them pics. The first adidas pic looks darker than the Nike jerseys (in person) to me. I have (had) both. The 1st Irvin (Russell) jersey even looks different from the 2nd one cause of the sun light. We’re talking semantics here, but the bottom line is, neither jersey has had the exact Russell color. Adidas has done a good job recreating our iconic look, and even taken a similar “Miami” font that was “borrowed” from Nike.
Technically, I don’t think these apparel companies can use the exact color as their competitors. You try to get it in the ball park of the right shade. To your point, Adidas got it much closer.
First off, I’m jealous of ur collection. Second, I’m assuming the one to the right in the Nike & I know the one up front is Adidas by the shade of green. @Hurracanes
With Mario on board, I think you’ll get your wish and Miami will be switching to Nike, eventually. I just hope we don’t become their Guinea pig again with more experimental trash.
I’ve literally held the jerseys side by side & I totally disagree. The earlier Nike jerseys were closer to Russell, & became darker over time. Adidas looks more highlight orange & the green fa sho has shimmer tint.

Edit: Hold on, let me ask…do u know what year that 80’s jersey is from under Russell?
I agree. The earlier Nike jerseys were closer to Russell. I had a 93-94 jersey with the raised embroidered jersey colored U on the shoulder. Nike changed the color when it started getting “futuristic” with our uniforms around 99-2000. It led to our Iconic fan favorite 01-02 jerseys. By then our orange had changed. By the time Nike got really different with our uniforms (bra strap, eye brows), the orange was totally changed. @Rellyrell to me, it looked lighter, and didn’t have the depth. To me it wasn’t Miami. It actually looked different than the U on the helmet, if u got close.
First off, I’m jealous of ur collection. Second, I’m assuming the one to the right in the Nike & I know the one up front is Adidas by the shade of green. @Hurracanes
Nothing to brag about but you would appreciate my small collection.
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I've been driving the bus that we need to use Sebastian a lot more. Obviously a fan of the U but it's absurd how that's the only logo we use
I love we went back to the classic Ibis design. Nike’s Green midget Ibis was too cartoonish.
I love we went back to the classic Ibis design. Nike’s Green midget Ibis was too cartoonish.

Real ?, b/c I’ve been wrecking my brain over this, but why did Sebastian ditch the pipe? Did we get backlash over it or something?
We are officially back when Mario gets Sebastian his pipe back.
It wasn't the NCAA it was a Shalala decision as we became a big time cancer research university. I doubt it ever comes back as long as we focus on that part of the school and use athletics logos for the hospital arm.
This orange is horrible, r u kidding me. Lol

Adidas has a highlighter tone of Orange, not remotely close to Russell. Nike took on the complete template. There’s a clear & obvious hue difference in color from Russell/Nike vs. Adidas. Just like it was a clear hue difference from Michigan Nike vs. Adidas.

Yeah the old orange was darker and more red. The green was darker and glossier too.