New Offer in Texas: 4 star 2022 DT Bear Alexander

Bear is clearly shopping for the biggest $EC bag. TAM is dropping Oil money bags wwhich is something UGA may not be able to match.

That official visit to Miami was a vacation, referencing Butch Davis for help was good a satirical moment considering he is not setting the recruiting world on fire at FIU.

Go Canes
How big of a draw is FIU?

Hate on him all you want you can't take away what he built, what he did and you WISH the current Canes played like his did.

I've never seen anyone here who is critical of the abomination FIU has become under horrible job Davis has done there EVER try to "take away what he built (or) what he did" or say that we didn't wish we had the roster he build the current Canes played like his did.

The guys who can't seem to be objective about him now in this century have zero to offer unless then can move the goal posts around the stadium and put words in people's mouths.
Bear is clearly shopping for the biggest $EC bag. TAM is dropping Oil money bags wwhich is something UGA may not be able to match.

That official visit to Miami was a vacation, referencing Butch Davis for help was good a satirical moment considering he is not setting the recruiting world on fire at FIU.

Go Canes

Butch recruited good enough recently to beat us.
Man I am still mad over those flops his FIU players took during our last UM vs FIU game.

Go Canes
I so want Miami to play FIU...there’s a receipt coming and an earned place on The List of Woe.

Make it 79-0, and on the final play....rather than kneel down, simply have the entire offense flop onto the field in mock cramps.
I've never seen anyone here who is critical of the abomination FIU has become under horrible job Davis has done there EVER try to "take away what he built (or) what he did" or say that we didn't wish we had the roster he build the current Canes played like his did.

The guys who can't seem to be objective about him now in this century have zero to offer unless then can move the goal posts around the stadium and put words in people's mouths.
Dude, it's FIU. NOBODY has ever had that program rolling so I aint cutting on Butch for not doing the impossible. And when I speaknof what he built I'm talking about in The Gables.
Then if he said later he seriously interested and we never showed interest you'd be shellacking the staff for that too. Some people just CAN'T be satisfied.

“Then if he said later he seriously interested and we never showed interest....”

Blah blah blah, but he didn’t. We can play devil’s advocate or we can talk about what actually happened. What’s the old saying? “If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle”

Relax big dawg lol. Nobody said that we should not have brought him in for a visit. Just admiring the kids finesse ability, I don’t blame him for doing what he did, he deserves it.