MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

Cat Omg GIF

Yeah man; Nike has been peppering the market w/ Miami inspired shoes since Mario came on board. Also, we had another edit w/o the Adidas logo both on the jersey and the football. 🤷🏾‍♂️

👀👀👀👀 @TheOriginalCane @TheToadSage

Unfortunately these will be in women sizes, however…I’ll still be able to cop b/c a size 12 in women is perfect for my foot.
Do these come in a woman’s size 14.5? I’m asking for a friend.
Do these come in a woman’s size 14.5? I’m asking for a friend.

I’ve been to plenty of Nike stores; most of the time their biggest size is 14.5, & those sell out ASAP b/c of us guys. Lol Every time I see my guy at the newest Nike location in the Southbay of L.A, my boy always say…”Rell, 14.5-12.5 are always gone b4 they even get stocked.” Lol.
I’ve been to plenty of Nike stores; most of the time their biggest size is 14.5, & those sell out ASAP b/c of us guys. Lol Every time I see my guy at the newest Nike location in the Southbay of L.A, my boy always say…”Rell, 14.5-12.5 are always gone b4 they even get stocked.” Lol.
I bet they get gone wit the quickness
Do these come in a woman’s size 14.5? I’m asking for a friend.


Gonna be honest, this isn't the first time I've seen a really good Jordan colorway in "women's sizes only". Not sure WTF is happening there.
Is it just me, or is a Jordan size 13 about the same size as every other brands 15?

Maybe just in the golf shoes? Probably gonna have to send these bad boys back from whence they came.
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As a degenerate golfer and owner of way too many golf shoes, Nike/Jordan has some of the weirdest size ranges around. My XI cool grey's are really snug on the toebox then my cement IV are almost too big. The ADG 3 was the longest 13 I have tried on lol.

The only company that is harder to fit in golf is Footjoy. Can't seem to ever produce the same size twice..
FYI, I have a size 10.5 of the ultra boost deadstock. I am looking to trade for a size 10 or sell to a fan for retail.

Apologies in advance as this is not intended to be a sales post but I figured this was the best thread to reach a captive audience.
FYI, I have a size 10.5 of the ultra boost deadstock. I am looking to trade for a size 10 or sell to a fan for retail.

Apologies in advance as this is not intended to be a sales post but I figured this was the best thread to reach a captive audience.

What Ultraboost deadstock? Pix or GTFOOH...
