MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.


Got mine today!


Whooooa! Not so fast Adidas. Lol. My homegirl & I was talking about how much of a mess Adidas was, & since she was on the Yeezy line, I was like I’m fairly certain Ye owns the intellectual design rights to the Yeezy line, while Adidas owns the branding rights. She said, go on…and started smirking. I said, then how is it Adidas talking real tough about how they’ll be re-releasing his designs w/o his name w/o compensation. Her reply? B/c they can’t.

And this just came out:

Folks, when I told u about Adidas & contracts, I wasn’t being vague. We need to leave; they literally don’t know wtf they r doing, not over in this country, at least. They got the CEO from Puma to come over, not realizing Puma’s resurgence had chit to do w/ him & everything to do w/ Jay-Z’s prowess. Lotta chit hitting the fan on that side & their evaluations r continuing to free fall.
Whooooa! Not so fast Adidas. Lol. My homegirl & I was talking about how much of a mess Adidas was, & since she was on the Yeezy line, I was like I’m fairly certain Ye owns the intellectual design rights to the Yeezy line, while Adidas owns the branding rights. She said, go on…and started smirking. I said, then how is it Adidas talking real tough about how they’ll be re-releasing his designs w/o his name w/o compensation. Her reply? B/c they can’t.

And this just came out:

Folks, when I told u about Adidas & contracts, I wasn’t being vague. We need to leave; they literally don’t know wtf they r doing, not over in this country, at least. They got the CEO from Puma to come over, not realizing Puma’s resurgence had chit to do w/ him & everything to do w/ Jay-Z’s prowess. Lotta chit hitting the fan on that side & their evaluations r continuing to free fall.

Ye about to clown them. And nobody wants those kicks without the Yeezy name attached. That'll be like buying the off brand Wal-Mart/K-Mart knockoffs.

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Whooooa! Not so fast Adidas. Lol. My homegirl & I was talking about how much of a mess Adidas was, & since she was on the Yeezy line, I was like I’m fairly certain Ye owns the intellectual design rights to the Yeezy line, while Adidas owns the branding rights. She said, go on…and started smirking. I said, then how is it Adidas talking real tough about how they’ll be re-releasing his designs w/o his name w/o compensation. Her reply? B/c they can’t.

And this just came out:

Folks, when I told u about Adidas & contracts, I wasn’t being vague. We need to leave; they literally don’t know wtf they r doing, not over in this country, at least. They got the CEO from Puma to come over, not realizing Puma’s resurgence had chit to do w/ him & everything to do w/ Jay-Z’s prowess. Lotta chit hitting the fan on that side & their evaluations r continuing to free fall.

Yes, there will be SOME compensation. But "millions" and "billions" are different words.

Kanye will get something, but not anything near what he would have received if he hadn't created a lot of these problems. Kanye will get pennies on the dollar.
Yes, there will be SOME compensation. But "millions" and "billions" are different words.

Kanye will get something, but not anything near what he would have received if he hadn't created a lot of these problems. Kanye will get pennies on the dollar.

Yeah; but, the problem is that’s not what was said by their CFO:

Ohlmeyer told reporters that Adidas' annual revenue was likely to be $502 million lower than expected for 2022. But the company added it will save $302 million next year by not paying royalties to West or covering the marketing costs for the Yeezy brand.

This is patently false. This notion that Adidas was going to take his designs & rebrand them was wishful thinking.
Yeah; but, the problem is that’s not what was said by their CFO:

Ohlmeyer told reporters that Adidas' annual revenue was likely to be $502 million lower than expected for 2022. But the company added it will save $302 million next year by not paying royalties to West or covering the marketing costs for the Yeezy brand.

This is patently false. This notion that Adidas was going to take his designs & rebrand them was wishful thinking.

I agree that the wording may be inaccurate ("not paying"), but the numbers may be correct. I have done a lot of work over the past 20 years with "corporate disclosures", and sometimes people get the wording not-quite-right.

And I'm not trying to minimize the wording issue. If adidas is trying to show certain groups of people that "hey, we are not going to pay one red cent to a guy who makes anti-Semitic statements", then I don't know that they will be able to pull that one off, if they are contractually required to pay Kanye SOMETHING.

But, yes, I think they can take the designs and rebrand them. They might still need to pay Kanye a reduced royalty, but it seems like that is their legal right (not when it comes to the slides, though). If you look at the big picture, it seems like Kanye did a "better job" of taking full ownership of his LATER creation (the slides) than on his earlier creation (the Yeezys).

And I'm still on your side of the argument that adidas is a MESS when it comes to legal contracts, and drafting language that protects all parties from all eventualities, since it seems like everyone needs to litigate everything because the contract wasn't clear enough.
I agree that the wording may be inaccurate ("not paying"), but the numbers may be correct. I have done a lot of work over the past 20 years with "corporate disclosures", and sometimes people get the wording not-quite-right.

And I'm not trying to minimize the wording issue. If adidas is trying to show certain groups of people that "hey, we are not going to pay one red cent to a guy who makes anti-Semitic statements", then I don't know that they will be able to pull that one off, if they are contractually required to pay Kanye SOMETHING.

But, yes, I think they can take the designs and rebrand them. They might still need to pay Kanye a reduced royalty, but it seems like that is their legal right (not when it comes to the slides, though). If you look at the big picture, it seems like Kanye did a "better job" of taking full ownership of his LATER creation (the slides) than on his earlier creation (the Yeezys).

And I'm still on your side of the argument that adidas is a MESS when it comes to legal contracts, and drafting language that protects all parties from all eventualities, since it seems like everyone needs to litigate everything because the contract wasn't clear enough.

Yes; & part of the issue w/ Adidas (& I’ve read a lot of their contracts from endorsements to partnership collaborations) is the ambiguous language that’s found. It’s so ambiguous that even their execs get caught slipping not fully understanding their legal obligations.

It’s going to be very interesting times for this company. They are hemorrhaging right now. They recently had another shareholders call informing them of another evaluation hit that may take them into 2024. Then I heard if they re-release the Yeezy’s, there’s going to be major blow back from consumers which will further devalue their brand.
Yes; & part of the issue w/ Adidas (& I’ve read a lot of their contracts from endorsements to partnership collaborations) is the ambiguous language that’s found. It’s so ambiguous that even their execs get caught slipping not fully understanding their legal obligations.

It’s going to be very interesting times for this company. They are hemorrhaging right now. They recently had another shareholders call informing them of another evaluation hit that may take them into 2024. Then I heard if they re-release the Yeezy’s, there’s going to be major blow back from consumers which will further devalue their brand.

Ya know...I'm not saying that I MYSELF would do this...but I do sometimes come up with some very vengeful ideas...

So if adidas is going to face some blowback...and if the Yeezy brand adidas line is essentially worthless...then what adidas SHOULD do is to start making Yeezys again, and then mass-market them. Make them nearly indistinguishable from the original Yeezys. Price them super-cheap. Sell them in large quantities at Marshall's and Kohl's. Sell them at low-price/high-quantity overseas.

Essentially, get whatever you can get (monetarily) and destroy the collectible market. How much worse could it possibly be for adidas anyhow? If Kanye and his fans want to play clout games, adidas could let them do so, and then flood the market. Sure, adidas loses the Kanye-supporting piece of the customer base, but possibly looks "strong" by not bending over for Kanye. It's risky, but who knows? I don't see a lot of great alternatives for adidas.

Again, just spit-balling here. I'm fascinated to watch this "battle of idiots" play itself out.
Ya know...I'm not saying that I MYSELF would do this...but I do sometimes come up with some very vengeful ideas...

So if adidas is going to face some blowback...and if the Yeezy brand adidas line is essentially worthless...then what adidas SHOULD do is to start making Yeezys again, and then mass-market them. Make them nearly indistinguishable from the original Yeezys. Price them super-cheap. Sell them in large quantities at Marshall's and Kohl's. Sell them at low-price/high-quantity overseas.

Essentially, get whatever you can get (monetarily) and destroy the collectible market. How much worse could it possibly be for adidas anyhow? If Kanye and his fans want to play clout games, adidas could let them do so, and then flood the market. Sure, adidas loses the Kanye-supporting piece of the customer base, but possibly looks "strong" by not bending over for Kanye. It's risky, but who knows? I don't see a lot of great alternatives for adidas.

Again, just spit-balling here. I'm fascinated to watch this "battle of idiots" play itself out.

So am I, & I’ve been sitting back patiently waiting for this drama to unfold. Lol. Of course I had some skin in this game w/ info, but it’s still a lil surreal seeing all this unfold in real time.
@Rellyrell can you explain to me in layman’s terms what’s happening with the goat app today? After an update their seems to be some crazy raffles or some ****
Ya know...I'm not saying that I MYSELF would do this...but I do sometimes come up with some very vengeful ideas...

So if adidas is going to face some blowback...and if the Yeezy brand adidas line is essentially worthless...then what adidas SHOULD do is to start making Yeezys again, and then mass-market them. Make them nearly indistinguishable from the original Yeezys. Price them super-cheap. Sell them in large quantities at Marshall's and Kohl's. Sell them at low-price/high-quantity overseas.

Essentially, get whatever you can get (monetarily) and destroy the collectible market. How much worse could it possibly be for adidas anyhow? If Kanye and his fans want to play clout games, adidas could let them do so, and then flood the market. Sure, adidas loses the Kanye-supporting piece of the customer base, but possibly looks "strong" by not bending over for Kanye. It's risky, but who knows? I don't see a lot of great alternatives for adidas.

Again, just spit-balling here. I'm fascinated to watch this "battle of idiots" play itself out.
I think the best solution by far is just time. Seriously a year or two from now people are going to move on to the next thing then adidas will be able to sell them at much reduced public backlash. Idk why they need to rush or have any of this getting leaked for a while. but they absolutely should sell higher volumes at lower cost than they were before.