New Charles Robinson article on SEC Violations

LOLZ @ "5 players"

I'd be surprised if there were a total of 5 players in the SEC who HAVEN'T received impermissible benefits.
So Fluker was inneligble? Hot ****! Notre **** wins the NC last year? Not sure how to feel about SEC exposed and Les Miles is probably ****ting himself right now, OSU allegations, now the SEC has dirt dug up on them? Matter of time till it all crashes down on them, public out cry from the rest of the NCAA will demand heads to roll.
Bama has paid for boat trips, Hot wheelz in Mobile, AL....Men's T wear in Tuscaloosa. Those are obvious ones on the surface that even Stevie Wonder can see. No telling the money funneled to players ala the REC(RED ELEPHANT CLUB)!!!! Bammers cheating from the time of the Bahr to Satan!!!
It's shocking to see an SEC story leak like this, usually the good ole boys keep their bagmen tied up nicely.

Someone forgot to pay someone off and here you have it.

They could have ended John Manziel if that old Texas money didn't have those brokers shut up. Shocking how all of the sudden none of them had anything to say to the NCAA.
Just for perspective: when it is the SEC, this isn't even the main story on is a baseball game. This is the third link down on the right side of the page, without a direct video link to any sort of discussion or TV package.

Far cry from the immediate call for the death penalty when it was us, gentlemen.

We very realistically could be the last ones thrown to the wolves for this ****. Emmert is out, so he will take a shot at us as he walks out the door because we are actually rising up, and the newly neutered NCAA will have way less power to do anything to all the schools that come after us. Typical. **** Emmert with a pinecone and **** all NCAA employees with an axe handle. ****ing low lifes.

Didn't ESPN just sign a huge deal with the SEC? Those money-grubbing fckbags ain't looking to cut their own lunch.

It's always about the money, $EC teams will skate with a kiss on the ***, business as usual.
its such BS. I think the ncaa is down to let stuff go if it isnt publicized. seems like journailst are sort of to blame for this
MIAMI player receives benefits - cheaters!
usc player receives benefits - cheaters!
ohio st* players receive benefits - cheaters!
oklahoma st players receive benefits - cheaters!
$ec players receive benefits - Why not? *shrugs* Everyone else is doing it.
Just keep in mind the ncaa's rules for witness creditablity and evidence admissablity. Reasonalby normal people wihtout a criminal record with first hand objective evidence = mere news story not worthy of a second thought. Convicted felony serving 20 year sentence for lying about what investment monies are being used for who has announced vengenful motice to obtain at any price = absolute truth beyond any reasonable doubt as long as he says it twice.

We at most are looking at a couple Tuesday lunch suspensions with entire issue resolved within 2 days max. Wait, Bama is involved? Oh, then this is just news repot; nothing to it, so no need for investigation. Will however require schools in question to ban anyone who spoke to SI from campus and any sporting events, plus a request to Alabama State Attorney to open Grand Jury investigation into the SI sources for state treason.
It's shocking to see an SEC story leak like this, usually the good ole boys keep their bagmen tied up nicely.

Someone forgot to pay someone off and here you have it.

They could have ended John Manziel if that old Texas money didn't have those brokers shut up. Shocking how all of the sudden none of them had anything to say to the NCAA.

I'm thinking it's coming out because this seems to be about agents and not coaches, boosters, etc.
So Fluker was inneligble? Hot ****! Notre **** wins the NC last year? Not sure how to feel about SEC exposed and Les Miles is probably ****ting himself right now, OSU allegations, now the SEC has dirt dug up on them? Matter of time till it all crashes down on them, public out cry from the rest of the NCAA will demand heads to roll.

nope. vacated championships are just empty.
So Fluker was inneligble? Hot ****! Notre **** wins the NC last year? Not sure how to feel about SEC exposed and Les Miles is probably ****ting himself right now, OSU allegations, now the SEC has dirt dug up on them? Matter of time till it all crashes down on them, public out cry from the rest of the NCAA will demand heads to roll.

nope. vacated championships are just empty.

More of a joke, but I know. Notre **** fans will be claiming they won another one now though. I have relatives that are...shudders...
Didnt shapiro say that he couldnt beat out the sec schools for most recruits... funny how they never bring that up...