Nebraska RB Ajay Allen commits to Miami

Nebraska coaches right now.... @CANEMC


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You know its funny, both sides talk a lot of **** and the general consensus is that we don't like eachother, due to history and the crazy high stakes games in our history etc.

But our home and home series back in 2014/15(?) Was some of the funnest games I remember in recent years. It's funny, leading up to the game in Lincoln all the Miami fans were in our tailgates, we were all having a great time. Talking about the classics. Talking football. Both fanbases have a deeper knowledge than some other teams I've come across. During the game it was mean, you could feel the tension and it was as crazy as I can remember. Then after the game we all partied together and got hammered. It was great.

I'll be honest with you and tell you a secret.

A lot of the "negative perceptions" of how Miami fans are at away games comes from all the hatred we encounter from various fanbases.

Prior to 1983 - was there ANY hatred of UM or Miami fans? But as soon as we started to win with some high-energy SoFla kids, EVERYONE started to hate us. And so, sure, we roll into a lot of towns and push back "the hate" that gets shoved at us.

Strangely enough...from the times that Miami broke Nebraska hearts...your fans just don't seem to have the same irrational and/or race-based hatred against Miami that a lot of other fanbases have shown us.

So...respect. I used to work with a guy that was a big Nebraska fan, and we always had great football conversations. I'd love it if we can get another home-and-home going and, who knows, maybe we'll get an invitation to the Big 10 too.
This takes our number to 5 which is a good spot to be in. We're **** young at the position and Chaney I'll only count on when he's shown he can stay healthy.
There were some rumors going around about either a coach or a transfer. I don't remember. I have quite a few accounts across random free boards. Just for instances like this. I always appreciated when people shared info from the inside vs kool-aid optimism.
Best of luck with Coach Rhule. He's a ****.
**** of a portal class with more to come

Ajay Allen
Ja’Dais Richard
Matt Lee
Javion Cohen
Davante Brown
Francisco Mauigoa
Jaden Davis
Cam McCormick
Branson Deen
Terry Roberts
Thomas Gore
Awesome list with the WR position no where in sight…. Thanks Corch Gattis!😒
**** of a portal class with more to come

Ajay Allen
Ja’Dais Richard
Matt Lee
Javion Cohen
Davante Brown
Francisco Mauigoa
Jaden Davis
Cam McCormick
Branson Deen
Terry Roberts
Thomas Gore
assuming we add Malone, we're looking at 5-7 starters directly from the portal (potentially more to come) and nearly all giving significant minutes

certainly not the one year turnover in roster like Colorado but will not be the same 5-7 team that's for **** sure
Safe to say we'll enter the season with a 3 man rushing attack with Chaney, Parrish, & Allen