NCAA V.P. approved paying Shapiro's lawyer

I thought it was just a courtesy depo transcript? LULZ. GAME OVER!!!!

They are gonna settle now right? No way they take the risk of getting sued?

Yes, dude. You're talking about executives at the highest level being complicit in perpetuating a fraud on the court and approving the intentional circumvention of their own rules. Game. Set. Match. Emmert's worst nightmare.

I thought it was just a courtesy depo transcript? LULZ. GAME OVER!!!!

They are gonna settle now right? No way they take the risk of getting sued?

Yes, dude. You're talking about executives at the highest level being complicit in perpetuating a fraud on the court and approving the intentional circumvention of their own rules. Game. Set. Match. Emmert's worst nightmare.

from your mouth to gods ears
You have to settle if you're the NCAA. I'm sure Donnas connections go all the way to potus. NCAA doesn't want to **** around with Donnas connections.
Helps a lot that they have an overhaul of the infractions committee slated for 2013. It's easy to hide behind that and just let Miami skate with probation and time served.
This is good news. More scholarships = now we can sign Collins, Kirkland and Thomas.

Oh, wait.

You have to settle if you're the NCAA. I'm sure Donnas connections go all the way to potus. NCAA doesn't want to **** around with Donnas connections.

i'm taking Shalala's class and it's crazy how much connection she's got.

she is having TWO supreme court justices (Sotomayor and Kennedy) come to our class to speak to us.

she has been close personal friend of Bill Clinton for 30 years.

she was the secretary of health and human services for eight years and has MAD connection with senators, judges, etc.

one of the things she used to do was crack down on medicaid/medicare fraud down in South Florida.

if we ever take it to court, NCAA won't stand a chance.
You have to settle if you're the NCAA. I'm sure Donnas connections go all the way to potus. NCAA doesn't want to **** around with Donnas connections.

i'm taking Shalala's class and it's crazy how much connection she's got.

she is having TWO supreme court justices (Sotomayor and Kennedy) come to our class to speak to us.

she has been close personal friend of Bill Clinton for 30 years.

she was the secretary of health and human services for eight years and has MAD connection with senators, judges, etc.

one of the things she used to do was crack down on medicaid/medicare fraud down in South Florida.

if we ever take it to court, NCAA won't stand a chance.

Don't mess with an Inside the Beltway veteran.

You will smashed in ways you would have never dreamed.
You have to settle if you're the NCAA. I'm sure Donnas connections go all the way to potus. NCAA doesn't want to **** around with Donnas connections.

i'm taking Shalala's class and it's crazy how much connection she's got.

she is having TWO supreme court justices (Sotomayor and Kennedy) come to our class to speak to us.

she has been close personal friend of Bill Clinton for 30 years.

she was the secretary of health and human services for eight years and has MAD connection with senators, judges, etc.

one of the things she used to do was crack down on medicaid/medicare fraud down in South Florida.

if we ever take it to court, NCAA won't stand a chance.

I hear a lot about his class she teaches personally. What is it called?
Back in 03 she taught a Public Admin Health class or some such name. It was taught in one of the auditoriums.

We Skatin'

:ibisroflmao: tried to contact Roe Lach directly via voice mail and email for comment. She did not respond.

The media could have a field day with this, if they pursue it. I've looked into Roe Lach's background a little bit. There are quite a few quotes from her. She's been a keynote speaker and done many interviews. Her emphasis from the outset supposedly was transparency, but now when it's her *** on the line suddenly she's unavailable for comment.

"If Julie tells me transparency is the cornerstone for what she wants to do as vice president, I take her for her word," Buckner said. "If she tells me she's going to do something, then that's what she's going to do."

One answer I found particularly interesting. It was from October 2011, apparently about the time of the decision to pay Shapiro's attorney. Roe Lach was asked about speed of investigations. She makes a distinction between things within the NCAA's control and beyond its control, yet seems to say the NCAA needs to "exert more influence" on things outside its control. Perhaps she leaped right in along those lines, using Perez and $20,000+ to exert more influence:

To his point, what is being done about concluding speedier investigations?

"When I've asked people what are we doing well, what are we not doing well from an enforcement standpoint. A common thread was investigations take too long. It's not from a lack of effort or energy from out staff. I can tell you that, our people work nights, work the weekends and take the red eyes. It has been what resources are we getting and when? Are we getting the right records, are people talking to us? How many doors get slammed in our face and how many tries to take before we say this person just won't talk to us? That obviously carries from case to case. The things we can control we demand it - putting more people, having people focus on heavy evidence review. There are somethings within our control that we are really track and improve on and we need to acknowledge what's beyond our control and is there anyway we can exert more influence over that."
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The USA today article on this stated that it was not against NCAA guidelines to use Perez as counsel. If that's the case, aside from a little more egg on their face, I'm not sure this information means much. NCAA was already facked...this doesn't necessarily make it any worse.
They wanted to "blow the investigation open". Because they barely had crapola. ****. Zip. Zero. Nadda.

Nobody takes a risk like that if they were already handed what they needed. Charles "Pulitzer" Robinson, where art thou?
Legal Question- Could the NCAA actually be in trouble with the court that was hearing the bankruptcy case? If Perez was using the guise of the subpeona to ask questions not relevant to the bankruptcy case is that "illegal"? Can the NCAA be named as complianct in something like contempt etc.?