NCAA Political Pressure

Eric Holder
Bill Clinton

Maybe DOJ decides to investigate some of these actions. Maybe Emmert and Ncdelay go away.

The ammo is out there should someone choose to use it, ammo that could be used to severely damage the NCAA. By their own admissions they are corrupt.

The likelihood of them being pressured politically aside, those that are so certain Miami still gets hammered, what makes you think that way when all evidence is to the contrary? Plenty of damage and sanctions have already occurred and are in place. What more will happen, now that even the media is on our side with the literal mountain of evidence at our disposal?

I just don't think any executive or legislative organization is ever going to get involved in this.
IMHO, Miami WILL win if it goes through the judicial system though. With what has come out so far, Miami's attorneys are licking their chops to sue these fckers into Bolivian.
But even if that happens, all Miami can get out of a lawsuit is money, correct? We would still have to accept whatever sanctions we receive from the COI (hoping I'm wrong but that is my understanding).
The ammo is out there should someone choose to use it, ammo that could be used to severely damage the NCAA. By their own admissions they are corrupt.

The likelihood of them being pressured politically aside, those that are so certain Miami still gets hammered, what makes you think that way when all evidence is to the contrary? Plenty of damage and sanctions have already occurred and are in place. What more will happen, now that even the media is on our side with the literal mountain of evidence at our disposal?

I just don't think any executive or legislative organization is ever going to get involved in this.
IMHO, Miami WILL win if it goes through the judicial system though. With what has come out so far, Miami's attorneys are licking their chops to sue these fckers into Bolivian.
But even if that happens, all Miami can get out of a lawsuit is money, correct? We would still have to accept whatever sanctions we receive from the COI (hoping I'm wrong but that is my understanding).

Mostly likely. The other problem is how do you even quantify the damages in a lawsuit? As I have said repeatedly, the bowl bans are NOT going to matter. We SELF imposed those based on our own admissions of guilt, so we cant seek to reclaim those damages.
Donna should have spoke up along time ago. But I guess she couldn't, because she was part of the problem. Her and Kirby Hocutt allowed that piece of **** to run amuck through the program, depspite warnings from Randy Shannon they ignored him. Now its time that she speaks up and fix this mess she contributed into getting us in!

The ammo is out there should someone choose to use it, ammo that could be used to severely damage the NCAA. By their own admissions they are corrupt.

The likelihood of them being pressured politically aside, those that are so certain Miami still gets hammered, what makes you think that way when all evidence is to the contrary? Plenty of damage and sanctions have already occurred and are in place. What more will happen, now that even the media is on our side with the literal mountain of evidence at our disposal?

I just don't think any executive or legislative organization is ever going to get involved in this.
IMHO, Miami WILL win if it goes through the judicial system though. With what has come out so far, Miami's attorneys are licking their chops to sue these fckers into Bolivian.
But even if that happens, all Miami can get out of a lawsuit is money, correct? We would still have to accept whatever sanctions we receive from the COI (hoping I'm wrong but that is my understanding).

Mostly likely. The other problem is how do you even quantify the damages in a lawsuit? As I have said repeatedly, the bowl bans are NOT going to matter. We SELF imposed those based on our own admissions of guilt, so we cant seek to reclaim those damages.

The length and publicity of this investigation has done more harm to the university than any sanctions. I am not just referring the football team. The constant re-tread of this through the media due to the mismanamgment and corruption of the NCAA has further harmed the University. At this point, time served is likely much worse than any sanctions we could have gotten from a speedy accurate investigation and infraction process.
All you guys blaming Donna are seriously naive. She was being compliant and had no basis to tell the NCAA to ***** off. We self Imposed bans so don't act like we didn't do anything wrong. We clearly did. She acted compliant and the NCAA screwed up and now she attacked when she's supposed to. She did it when she had ground to do so. She now has media support and public support that she wouldn't have before these things occurred.
History suggests two things. First, can you spell A-N-T-I-T-R-U-S-T!
Second, When it comes to the tax-exempt status of certain campus things like huge, money making stadiums, practice fields and weight rooms, etc & auditoriums, what is the eleemosynary purpose?
Why don't we just say no to the NCAA? They aren't in control of any games going forward and Miami is a private institution and we can give out scholarships to whomever we choose. Now I know this would never actually happen but just for fun what would happen if Miami just said **** you NCAA we aren't taking any penalties.

... because we play in an ncaa-sanctioned conference, in ncaa-sanctioned games, against ncaa teams? would you like us to go play some naia ball?
Why don't we just say no to the NCAA? They aren't in control of any games going forward and Miami is a private institution and we can give out scholarships to whomever we choose. Now I know this would never actually happen but just for fun what would happen if Miami just said **** you NCAA we aren't taking any penalties.
The only teams we would be able to schedule would be Ft. Belvoir, and other military teams, etc. Even the prison teams (think "Longest Yard") don't exist .... and not because of Nevin Shapiro! :diaf:
Why don't we just say no to the NCAA? They aren't in control of any games going forward and Miami is a private institution and we can give out scholarships to whomever we choose. Now I know this would never actually happen but just for fun what would happen if Miami just said **** you NCAA we aren't taking any penalties.

Who would you suggest that we play against?
The NCAA is governed by a board consists of presidents of 18 universities representing different conferences. The current chair is from the ACC, of which UM is a member. If Shalala has any political pull this is where she should be targeting. Trying very hard to be without any bias (UM alum here), the best solution for the NCAA to survive this mess with all the existing and potential lawsuits is for the governing board to admit wrong doing and clean house, and therefore, preserving any image of honesty and fair play. However, this is not in Emmert's best interest. So he will fight to the end to keep the existing process intact. Shalala (if as savvy as some suggests) should have been on the phone with these other presidents a month ago to lobby for house cleaning to happen. I am waiting to see what transpires.
The ammo is out there should someone choose to use it, ammo that could be used to severely damage the NCAA. By their own admissions they are corrupt.

The likelihood of them being pressured politically aside, those that are so certain Miami still gets hammered, what makes you think that way when all evidence is to the contrary? Plenty of damage and sanctions have already occurred and are in place. What more will happen, now that even the media is on our side with the literal mountain of evidence at our disposal?

I just don't think any executive or legislative organization is ever going to get involved in this.
IMHO, Miami WILL win if it goes through the judicial system though. With what has come out so far, Miami's attorneys are licking their chops to sue these fckers into Bolivian.
But even if that happens, all Miami can get out of a lawsuit is money, correct? We would still have to accept whatever sanctions we receive from the COI (hoping I'm wrong but that is my understanding).

We can also get a permanent injunction to keep NCAA from further penalties with regards to its investigation. Which is more than likely the main thing we'd be looking for.
The ammo is out there should someone choose to use it, ammo that could be used to severely damage the NCAA. By their own admissions they are corrupt.

The likelihood of them being pressured politically aside, those that are so certain Miami still gets hammered, what makes you think that way when all evidence is to the contrary? Plenty of damage and sanctions have already occurred and are in place. What more will happen, now that even the media is on our side with the literal mountain of evidence at our disposal?

I just don't think any executive or legislative organization is ever going to get involved in this.
IMHO, Miami WILL win if it goes through the judicial system though. With what has come out so far, Miami's attorneys are licking their chops to sue these fckers into Bolivian.
But even if that happens, all Miami can get out of a lawsuit is money, correct? We would still have to accept whatever sanctions we receive from the COI (hoping I'm wrong but that is my understanding).

We can also get a permanent injunction to keep NCAA from further penalties with regards to its investigation. Which is more than likely the main thing we'd be looking for.
Ok, that's what I was hoping to hear.
We can also get a permanent injunction to keep NCAA from further penalties with regards to its investigation. Which is more than likely the main thing we'd be looking for.[/QUOTE said:

Not now. There is no justicible controversy at present. Must exhause your administrative remedies.
Sadly, the political pressure in our case is probably a lot less than what it would be if we were a big state institution, which can be seen by some of the Pennsylvania lawsuits against the NCAA.

In fact, one could make the case that (with the exception of Penn St) the NCAA really likes to go HAM on private institutions.
We can also get a permanent injunction to keep NCAA from further penalties with regards to its investigation. Which is more than likely the main thing we'd be looking for.[/QUOTE said:

Not now. There is no justicible controversy at present. Must exhause your administrative remedies.

Are you visually impaired? I just could not help it but I wondered why you got large fonts.