NCAA Modern Slave Owners


Jan 13, 2012
Lets see what the NCAA's first Executive Director says about the NCAA. Then ask yourself where are the civil rights leaders like Sharpton and Jackson?

"The NCAA rule book is not the United States Constitution.

If anything, the rule book supporting the bogus concept of “amateur athletics” is akin to the laws that supported Jim Crow, denied women suffrage and upheld slavery.

Who should investigative reporters be going after? The agentsThe coachesThe playersThe schoolsThe NCAA
The architect of the modern NCAA, the organization’s former president, Walter Byers, spelled out all of this in his 1997 mea culpa, “Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Exploiting the Student-Athlete.”

Byers wrote: “Today the NCAA Presidents Commission is preoccupied with tightening a few loose bolts in a worn machine, firmly committed to the neo-plantation belief that the enormous proceeds from college games belong to the overseers (administrators) and supervisors (coaches). The plantation workers performing in the arena may only receive those benefits authorized by the overseers.”

Byers was not and is not a Jesse Jackson sympathizer. Byers is a white, right-wing conservative from Kansas. He was the NCAA’s first president (1951-1988) and sole visionary. He admitted creating a monster. His NCAA memoir was his repentance and call for a fundamental overhaul of a corrupt organization."

I could go on for days about this. Thats why I continue to refer to it as the confederSEC.
The NFL and CFL are the people who hire players. If someone has a beef with "slavery", they should petition the pro leagues to hire out of HS. The NCAA doesn't control who can be hired by the pro leagues. The pro leagues do. And, since no kid is ready for the NFL out of HS, look for other options than college.

Solution: form a minor professional league system just like minor league baseball. That, of course, is not going to happen. But, it would at least shut up the stupid "slavery" argument. The exploitation we are talking about (and does exist), exists all through society. But, it's not slavery, and trivializes the whole concept of slavery. For several years people equated relatively benign forms of exploitation with rape. Now it's slavery. Pathetic.

If you don't want to accept a college scholarship, and all the opportunity that implies, to play college football, get a fùcking job bagging groceries.
The NFL and CFL are the people who hire players. If someone has a beef with "slavery", they should petition the pro leagues to hire out of HS. The NCAA doesn't control who can be hired by the pro leagues. The pro leagues do. And, since no kid is ready for the NFL out of HS, look for other options than college.

Solution: form a minor professional league system just like minor league baseball. That, of course, is not going to happen. But, it would at least shut up the stupid "slavery" argument. The exploitation we are talking about (and does exist), exists all through society. But, it's not slavery, and trivializes the whole concept of slavery. For several years people equated relatively benign forms of exploitation with rape. Now it's slavery. Pathetic.

If you don't want to accept a college scholarship, and all the opportunity that implies, to play college football, get a fùcking job bagging groceries.

Question: Do you ever get nose bleeds while sitting on your high horse??

The analogy may not be slavery in a literal sense but the argument is sound. Kids at the large state skools (ohio state, penn state, alabama, lsu, etc...) are compensated with a public college education in exchange for generating massive sums of money for their employer. Moreover, they are mandated to forego the opportunity to seek compensation outside of their college sport while doing so. THAT is where the slavery analogy comes in.

If you are on a ANY full athletic scholarship you are for forebidden from making money. When I was an athlete at Fresno State, I was on a half ride. I was allowed to wait tables in the off-season. Guys on full ride were not. Why does the NCAA do that??? Control of the better athletes.

You are also prohibited from benefitting from your own name. PAY ATTENTION TO THE CURRENT LAW SUIT BETWEEN FORMER UCLA BASKETBALL PLAYER ED O'BANNION AND THE NCAA. This criminal lie is about to be exposed. Keep in mind that the #23 Tar Heels jersey is STILL among the best selling jerseys out there. How much does Michael Jordan get for that??? Not a god damned dime. Loooong after Jordan left UNC, the university is STILL getting compensated for his efforts. Slavery? No. Severly ****ed up and ethically criminal??? You bet your arrogant ***!

If you are on a music scholarship at an NCAA signatory university you can still make side money in a band. Why are the rules different? Because the ncaa must do what it can to keep the athletes down. That's a component of slavery. They dont really profit from the music skool kidz.

As to your "baggin" groceries comment, Pffft!! Why are you so afraid of competition? Lemme guess, you're a government union worker, right??? lol In baseball, tennis, etc. the athlete can go pro directly. (note that those are not revenue positive sports) But in football, the NCAA spent upwards of $1.5 million preventing former ohio state runningback Maurice clarrett from challenging the NFL's 3 year rule. The NFL wants their free minor league system and the NCAA wants that massive revenue stream.

You ARE correct on the minor league football being the solution. Dont be surprised if it happens within the next decade if the NCAA continues on their dictatorial path. I can tell you that there are people currently developing plans for this as I type. I can tell you they are less concerned with their business plan as they are seeing the NCAA presidents using their connections to illegally stop them. A national minor league football organization is to the NCAA what the Tea Party is to the socialist movement. And lookie what US government is doing to the tea party.
If it's slavery, why are black kids all over the country fighting to be the first in line to accept scholarships? Those kids are all too happy to make their announcement on national TV. If you're going to pull the slavery analogy, show me a kid who has refused to enter into this when presented the opportunity. It's greed. They are treated like kings, now they want some cash to go along with it. Show us how serious you people are about "NCAA = slavery" by refusing to accept scholarships and boycotting games.
Let me add that if Athletes want the profits they should be ready to take the losses. When the football program doesn't make money, they incur a debt.
I can't argue your point but when you mentioned Al Sharpton you lost some credibility. Can't stand the guy.
Who the **** would watch minor league football.

If the NFL created a minor league system, which they then drafted out of, it would be a massive success.

They could do it in the offseason. It would attract most of the elite recruits bc they'd get paid to play, and not have to go to school.

The NFL is stupid NOT to create a small minor league system, where the teams are independent of the big league clubs. It'd be more like a development league, where after 3 years they enter the draft. Would be amazing and would return the NCAA to what it's SUPPOSED TO BE.
I also don't believe that being given an education (which some kid who isn't an athete may have to pay over 100k for) is considered slavery. Then a possibility to make millions after 3 or 4 yrs?! Not really diggin' the argument. May have been different in the 50's and 60's. Stop playing the game if it's slavery. But that will never happen because of the potential to go make millions after a few years (3/4) of slavery...while hopefully obtaining a degree. I'd take that in a heart beat. I don't care if a university is making money off my jersey # for years to come and I'm sure MJ doesn't either.
Who the **** would watch minor league football.

If the NFL created a minor league system, which they then drafted out of, it would be a massive success.

They could do it in the offseason. It would attract most of the elite recruits bc they'd get paid to play, and not have to go to school.

The NFL is stupid NOT to create a small minor league system, where the teams are independent of the big league clubs. It'd be more like a development league, where after 3 years they enter the draft. Would be amazing and would return the NCAA to what it's SUPPOSED TO BE.[/
NFL Europe anyone? Seriously name a popular minor league sport. College athletics are successful due to students, alums, and fans. Take out the first 2, and then struggle to build a fan base.
I also don't believe that being given an education (which some kid who isn't an athete may have to pay over 100k for) is considered slavery. Then a possibility to make millions after 3 or 4 yrs?! Not really diggin' the argument. May have been different in the 50's and 60's. Stop playing the game if it's slavery. But that will never happen because of the potential to go make millions after a few years (3/4) of slavery...while hopefully obtaining a degree. I'd take that in a heart beat. I don't care if a university is making money off my jersey # for years to come and I'm sure MJ doesn't either.

Not to mention Carolina's brand of basketball jersey is Jordan brand soooooo...........
Who the **** would watch minor league football.

If the NFL created a minor league system, which they then drafted out of, it would be a massive success.

They could do it in the offseason. It would attract most of the elite recruits bc they'd get paid to play, and not have to go to school.

The NFL is stupid NOT to create a small minor league system, where the teams are independent of the big league clubs. It'd be more like a development league, where after 3 years they enter the draft. Would be amazing and would return the NCAA to what it's SUPPOSED TO BE.

You mean like the world league?

Also, NCAA is comprised of its member institutions, who get the VAST majority of the money they make. The NCAA overhead is comparatively small for the revenue they generate. Just have never gotten this NCAA conspiracy thing. Ultimately the head of the NCAA is beholden to the board of directors, who come from the individual universities and wield the real power.
Excuse me but Walter Byers essentially created the NCAA, he was the first Executive Director the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He served from 1951 to 1988. He also helped start the United States Basketball Writers Association in 1956. The NCAA Walter Byers Scholarship is named in his honor. Walter Byers is a conservative right-wing Midwesterner who knows and understands the NCAA and collegiate sports as well as anyone. Now read very carefully what he says about the NCAA and collegiate sports.

"Today the NCAA Presidents Commission is preoccupied with tightening a few loose bolts in a worn machine, firmly committed to the neo-plantation belief that the enormous proceeds from college games belong to the overseers (administrators) and supervisors (coaches). The plantation workers performing in the arena may only receive those benefits authorized by the overseers.”

Make no mistake discriminatory practices of the NCAA and their Eligibility Center (formerly Clearing House) are going to be brought up soon largely due to Miami.