NCAA Investigator Questions the NCAA

I have a very strong feeling that this has allot to do with the USC McNair case.

think about it

NCAA has fought very hard to keep all documents related to the McNair case sealed & its looking like those documents are about to come out.

Even though the McNair case has nothing to do with using depositions to build their case, it does open up the entire investigative process up and its ugly!

Emmeret realized that

1. Miami has bee cooperation for 1 reason... so they can fight hard after the NOA is delivered
2. Miami is looking at this 2 years investigation time as punishment instead of just time passing by.
3. The NCAA investigative practices, if taken to court will not hold up. In the McNair case the damage wasn't that big. its 1 coach and the school is almost done with probation and allot of the facts weren't really tainted. In the Miami case the damage is huge. Since the story broke out, multiple fired coaches, 2 years investigation etc etc.
4. Emerete realized that if Miami yells fraud and takes this to court it can also be proven that the NCAA knew this was hurting the program but simply did'nt care and most likely internal emails will show allot of references to this.

The NCAA came to the conclusion that the Miami case can end up bringing down the NCAA if its not handled right. This is why the national press release the NCAA did to show ... oh WE found the problem and we are fixing it right away, so the blowback won't be as hard.

a very good friend of mine works for the department of justice and one thing senators/reps hate the most is an organization that makes up their own rules without their say in it. He told me that since state schools are part of the NCAA and if there is "fraud" going on in the NCAA, the government will eventually step in.

He did mention there is allot of support for PSU but nobody in their right mind (unless they are from PA) is going to step in because of child molestation.

what to expect
The NCAA can NOT look weak and throw away 2years of investigations.. that will not happen. the NCAA will tell Miami.. oh we were going to give you 2 bowl bans etc etc now you get only 1 and Miami will fight back.

There will not be a summary judgment because NCAA is not looking forward to lawsuits from USC & Ohio State.. remember USC was more ****ed at the NCAA than any other program. They did not cooperate and if they have a chance to sue.. they will.

Miami will get the NOA, the NCAA will tell everyone they took out the evidence that got that was against policy and we are moving forward.

Miami & the NCAA behind closed doors will come up with a plan. No more bowl bans, limited scholarship reductions and probation.

MARK MY WORDS.. Emerete WILL say "Miami's 2 post season bans AND the ACCG Ban with the chance to play at the OB...."
he will make sure for everyone to think 3 post seasons so people don't think we got off easy.

but if it was the other way around, he would of said ... it counts only 2 post season.. no matter the ACCG

I think the NCAA is ****ed no matter what. You have programs like USC, PSU, and Ohio State schools from VERY large states with huge political ties waiting in the dark for this to play out. No matter how it plays out I think you are going to see these programs go for the throat, and I think they should. This system is beyond corrupt. It is an immoral and unethical system. I think it would be the height of irony if Miami were the school to begin the demise of the NCAA. I can just see all those players from the 80's in the locker room with Jimmy watching the video on the Miami rules, now sitting in a high rise condo in Brickell watching the news conference about the NCAA being indicted for fraud.
This NCAA investigator, who demanded anonymity, raised a different angle to that issue. It broke no law, he said. It didn't involve a twisted ethical question, he said...

When asked if there was an ethical question in an attorney using legal means to depose someone the NCAA otherwise couldn't, the investigator was certain.

"This was good, investigative work,'' he said.

The investigator then listed similar officials the NCAA has worked with through the years to gather evidence against schools or individuals: U.S. Attorney offices, private investigators, former FBI agents and various lawyers.

If this is how it is seen from the inside, what is the big issue then? Is it the misuse of bankruptcy proceedings?

Because it seems the using MEP as a tool was no problem and pretty run of the mill stuff.

This **** is LYING. sean allen was questioned by the ncaa TWO TIMES. The first time they couldn't get what they wanted, so the second time he was SUBPOENAED. Now the ncaa does NOT have the power to subpoena. So. . . someone had the bright idea to use the nevin shapiro's federal bankruptcy case to get information from sean because he could corroborate some of his transactions regarding his phony wholesale grocery distribution operation. sean was NOT supposed to be asked anything regarding the MIAMI investigation. He was set-up.

maria perez forced sean to answer questions under oath and under the threat of imprisonment if he did not tell the truth about him being the part-time equipment man operating as a recruiter for UM football, making improper contact with local prospects and the current coaching staff. This has nothing to do with nevin shapiro's bankruptcy case. This is coersion, unethical, and a violation of the ncaa's own rules.
I am more lost than ever after reading that. The investigators or delusional in thinking they can do whatever they want, and ****ed because the leadership actually see a major issue with their efforts (and the DOJ may be investigating the NCAA for interference with a federal case against Shapiro? And he\she is wondering why everyone is upset. Fuggin blow it up.
"I don't know how he can't,'' the investigator said when asked if Emmert knew of a second investigator involved like this. "A lot of us are asking, 'Why was such a big deal made of this one situation.' And no one can answer the question. It's all strange to us. We're confused."

So, this guy is going off the reservation and admitting in public that they do this **** all the time, and they're shocked that it's being questioned as poor form.

This can only help our case.