Myles Mooyoung commits

He was on his way to Cincinnati...Diaz offered him a walk-on opportunity and Myles jumped on it. He said Miami is his dream school and would rather prove himself and play at the U than anywhere...kid has balls...good for him! As JJ once said "I don't give a **** how many stars he has, can he PLAY" as a walk on he's low risk, and maybe the kid has it...wish him well.

Just letting yall know now...

The first time this kid gets burnt I'm coining him "Fried Mooyoung".

Happy China GIF by Li Jingliang
Serious ?; when is the last PWO we had that became an actual player, here? Have we had any PWO success stories?
Jimmy Murphy barely had half the talent of most of a roster full of high 3 and 4 stars, and he made the most of his limited ability while he was here. He wasn't even a PWO just a plain WO. Some people just want it more, and if this kid is willing to put in the work, he can contribute.
One of the OGs was a preferred walk on or some kind of walk-on, wasn’t it Stanley Shakespeare or somebody like that? Can one of our own CIS OGs remind me?
It's an interesting PWO move considering you could have just grabbed a really athletic under the radar kid right here in Florida...who knows. Kid may have something to prove and shut everyone up. Time will tell.
You have to remember that the cost of attending UM without a scholarship is ridiculous. Your walk-on choices are limited really smart dudes with academic scholarships or really rich dudes who can afford the tuition. It’s not like a state school where tuition is much lower for in state students.