My hiatus

Incredibly saddened for your and your family's loss. The one photo on the link is enough to know there's a light forever missing from your lives and I can't begin to imagine what that feels like. Nothing but my deep sympathy.

You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.
Sorry for your loss, D$.. As a fellow wolverine, may Our Blessed Lord, Our Lady and the entire heavenly court welcome her into paradise. God bless
Condolences to you and your family. May her memory be a blessing. No words will probably ever soothe the loss of a child, but you and your family are definitely honoring her well with the St. Jude efforts.
You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.
May God be with you and your family d.. hate to hear it bud
You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.

CIS comes second to family. Take all the time you need. All this stuff doesn't matter.

Hope our humor over the last couple of weeks, brings you the much needed break from this tragedy.

Prayers up.
Prayers up🙏🙏 So sorry about your loss DM.. She's in the best ETERNAL HANDS👏 a human being could ever have with no pain and suffering, just joyfulness. Rejoice on the feeling that she'll never have sadness my fellow CANE.