My hiatus

You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.
A tragic loss. May your family find comfort in the good memories made.

You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.
Sorry to hear of your loss ... loss of a child is truly heartbreaking.
You guys may have noticed that I've been missing for the past couple weeks. My family suffered a tragedy last week with the passing of my niece, Delfina. While the parents are heartbroken, they are also hopeful that Delfi’s memory may inspire people to give to other children in need.

If you can, please consider contributing to the St. Jude’s fundraiser below. I'll be back posting soon with a new Bank and podcasts. Thank you all.
My sincere condolences.
My condolences to you and your family, no parent or aunts and uncles and grandparents should be burying their children, their niece, nephew, grandchild. It is an unimaginable pain that I pray so few suffer. Your family is in my prayers, may you all find peace and comfort and love. May a light shine through in your homes.

God bless