My Gawd Look at the Move by Jeudy šŸ˜©šŸ˜© (FNL)

i'm gonna speak for myself, because we're all our own men, on TOS i saw a stat comparison between dingle and jeudy and dingle's numbers are insane versus what most of you say is the best competition in the country. yet i don't here most of you singing his praises because he hasn't done the recruit circuit.

jeudy may very well be a beast, and i want him on my canes, but i'm not ready to crown a guy that hasn't really proven himself on the field ala richards or even dingle. now if he puts up numbers on the field in pads then the hype machine is fully warranted . . . as of now, he's a camp legend . . . we want football legends

anybody who wants to label posters that want football players that produce on the field as "al goldens" then it is what it is and reason is not in you

Because stats at the HS level to do not indicate what kind of prospect you maybe at the next level. Remember Dallas Crawford? This site was raving about him and his crazy INT numbers his senior year. He was an instinctual DB and made plays but he was too slow for a Div 1 safety. Dingle is a solid prospect, very strong and high points the ball very well but he just isn't the prospect Jeudy is, plain and simple. That's not to say stats are meaningless but they don't paint the whole picture. Remember Charlie Jones from I think it was South Miami, he set Dade rushing records back in 03 and was just a JAG at the next level. Dominating in HS even the highest level in Dade doesn't mean it will translate to the next level.

Same people said yearby stats were godly and he starts over cook and the smart people knew cook was the one who would be a beast because the speed he had. Yearby we knew once defenses got fast he wouldnt be a burner like HS

I agree with this, but cook produced on the field and mid way through his senior year you knew he was certified . . . that being said yearby ran for stack last year, so he's not chop liver

you kinda make my case, we crowned cook once he produced on the field

Honestly, the stuff he was doing at the opening and at paradise was more impressive than a out and up on someone that bit on a fake
i'm gonna speak for myself, because we're all our own men, on TOS i saw a stat comparison between dingle and jeudy and dingle's numbers are insane versus what most of you say is the best competition in the country. yet i don't here most of you singing his praises because he hasn't done the recruit circuit.

jeudy may very well be a beast, and i want him on my canes, but i'm not ready to crown a guy that hasn't really proven himself on the field ala richards or even dingle. now if he puts up numbers on the field in pads then the hype machine is fully warranted . . . as of now, he's a camp legend . . . we want football legends

anybody who wants to label posters that want football players that produce on the field as "al goldens" then it is what it is and reason is not in you

Because stats at the HS level to do not indicate what kind of prospect you maybe at the next level. Remember Dallas Crawford? This site was raving about him and his crazy INT numbers his senior year. He was an instinctual DB and made plays but he was too slow for a Div 1 safety. Dingle is a solid prospect, very strong and high points the ball very well but he just isn't the prospect Jeudy is, plain and simple. That's not to say stats are meaningless but they don't paint the whole picture. Remember Charlie Jones from I think it was South Miami, he set Dade rushing records back in 03 and was just a JAG at the next level. Dominating in HS even the highest level in Dade doesn't mean it will translate to the next level.

Same people said yearby stats were godly and he starts over cook and the smart people knew cook was the one who would be a beast because the speed he had. Yearby we knew once defenses got fast he wouldnt be a burner like HS

I agree with this, but cook produced on the field and mid way through his senior year you knew he was certified . . . that being said yearby ran for stack last year, so he's not chop liver

you kinda make my case, we crowned cook once he produced on the field

No i crowned cook because we saw the speed and the film and seven on sevens were legit. All u kept hearing about was cook and pete was on it just like he just said juedy is a cook cooper like player recently and i agree

These arent lineman drills there one on ones at wr andhes makong them look silly just like he willdo in college
Real Question:

I noticed on this board that when a player is not quite commited, ninjas be making up all kind of reasons they may not be a loss:

Sam Bruce-he's a midget, so what.
Calvin Ridley-he's a 20 yr old freshman, he probably wouldn't have made it in anyway
Jerry Jeudy-He's all hype

So my question is, what the f do ya'll mofos be drinking and smoking? B/c I want some!

Granted some r trolls, but some r fans. Do u really feel that way, or does it ease the pain if or when a kid goes elsewhere?

These r the al goldens of this forum.....they want hidden gems instead of this savage.....these forums are like our defense under AG......they suck. Only few are highly rated guys and we know better. JJ is a fkin boss and i loved Coley but this kid is better comong out then coley was or even richards. My opinion n i love coley n richards

Woah woah woah.

Slow your horses. D, I like you man but slow down the hype train big time. JJ needs to be a lot more dominant for the hype you're giving him. I'm not talking 7on7s and camps. 41 for 496 last year, that's a red flag considering what you just said.

JJ critically known for being inconsistent too.

I think he's a great prospect but the hype train going way too fast for the facts that lie behind them.

Dalvin was clearly better than Yearby.

I personally think Ahmmon was a better prospect than JJ coming out.

JJ could be like Coley or Ridley(Those two were the exact same WR coming out, Ridley lil more physical and Coley a bit faster) coming out depending how he closes out his senior year. Not there yet, but he got the talent and potential. Coleys numbers in HS was like a video game, including his tape.

You talking about JJ like he's the second coming of Amari. Ahmmon the closest thing I've seen to Amari so far IMO.
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Real Question:

I noticed on this board that when a player is not quite commited, ninjas be making up all kind of reasons they may not be a loss:

Sam Bruce-he's a midget, so what.
Calvin Ridley-he's a 20 yr old freshman, he probably wouldn't have made it in anyway
Jerry Jeudy-He's all hype

So my question is, what the f do ya'll mofos be drinking and smoking? B/c I want some!

Granted some r trolls, but some r fans. Do u really feel that way, or does it ease the pain if or when a kid goes elsewhere?

These r the al goldens of this forum.....they want hidden gems instead of this savage.....these forums are like our defense under AG......they suck. Only few are highly rated guys and we know better. JJ is a fkin boss and i loved Coley but this kid is better comong out then coley was or even richards. My opinion n i love coley n richards

Woah woah woah.

Slow your horses. D, I like you man but slow down the hype train big time. JJ needs to be a lot more dominant for the hype you're giving him. I'm not talking 7on7s and camps. 41 for 496 last year, that's a red flag considering what you just said.

JJ critically known for being inconsistent too.

I think he's a great prospect but the hype train going way too fast for the facts that lie behind them.

Dalvin was clearly better than Yearby.

I personally think Ahmmon was a better prospect than JJ coming out.

JJ could be like Coley or Ridley(Those two were the exact same WR coming out, Ridley lil more physical and Coley a bit faster) coming out depending how he closes out his senior year. Not there yet, but he got the talent and potential. Coleys numbers in HS was like a video game, including his tape.

You talking about JJ like he's the second coming of Amari. Ahmmon the closest thing I've seen to Amari so far IMO.

plus one . . . the potential is there, but thus far he's a camp legend
Real Question:

I noticed on this board that when a player is not quite commited, ninjas be making up all kind of reasons they may not be a loss:

Sam Bruce-he's a midget, so what.
Calvin Ridley-he's a 20 yr old freshman, he probably wouldn't have made it in anyway
Jerry Jeudy-He's all hype

So my question is, what the f do ya'll mofos be drinking and smoking? B/c I want some!

Granted some r trolls, but some r fans. Do u really feel that way, or does it ease the pain if or when a kid goes elsewhere?

These r the al goldens of this forum.....they want hidden gems instead of this savage.....these forums are like our defense under AG......they suck. Only few are highly rated guys and we know better. JJ is a fkin boss and i loved Coley but this kid is better comong out then coley was or even richards. My opinion n i love coley n richards

Woah woah woah.

Slow your horses. D, I like you man but slow down the hype train big time. JJ needs to be a lot more dominant for the hype you're giving him. I'm not talking 7on7s and camps. 41 for 496 last year, that's a red flag considering what you just said.

JJ critically known for being inconsistent too.

I think he's a great prospect but the hype train going way too fast for the facts that lie behind them.

Dalvin was clearly better than Yearby.

I personally think Ahmmon was a better prospect than JJ coming out.

JJ could be like Coley or Ridley(Those two were the exact same WR coming out, Ridley lil more physical and Coley a bit faster) coming out depending how he closes out his senior year. Not there yet, but he got the talent and potential. Coleys numbers in HS was like a video game, including his tape.

You talking about JJ like he's the second coming of Amari. Ahmmon the closest thing I've seen to Amari so far IMO.

This is the difference i project what i see and picture them in d1. Like i knew yearby wouldnt be the beast he was in hs because defenses r faster n u saw cook and u instantly think the speed wont change for him it will change the defense though. Not only that but u talkong about a prospect that will be coached by nick saban or mark richt. Its all guesses but i see a superstar even if its without pads which i hate 7 on 7.

I remember three to four years ago on 7-7 espn team opposite of cook picked off a pass n cook chased the db down like darrel green catching jerry no expert but i thought cooper was the best wr ieverseen in hs off the line and juedy has that.

U may be right and maybe im wrong and hes an ok wr but i see a star and bamas staff does too.
Jeudy is a stud, but people getting hype over double/triple/quadruple moves in shorts are just telling on themselves

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Jeudy reminds me of Chad Johnson. Quick off the line and in/out of his breaks with good route running ability. Has great footwork and acceleration but not great top end speed. Has adequate bulk but not particularly strong. So, not the great at high pointing or going up for Jump balls.
Real Question:

I noticed on this board that when a player is not quite commited, ninjas be making up all kind of reasons they may not be a loss:

Sam Bruce-he's a midget, so what.
Calvin Ridley-he's a 20 yr old freshman, he probably wouldn't have made it in anyway
Jerry Jeudy-He's all hype

So my question is, what the f do ya'll mofos be drinking and smoking? B/c I want some!

Granted some r trolls, but some r fans. Do u really feel that way, or does it ease the pain if or when a kid goes elsewhere?

These r the al goldens of this forum.....they want hidden gems instead of this savage.....these forums are like our defense under AG......they suck. Only few are highly rated guys and we know better. JJ is a fkin boss and i loved Coley but this kid is better comong out then coley was or even richards. My opinion n i love coley n richards

Woah woah woah.

Slow your horses. D, I like you man but slow down the hype train big time. JJ needs to be a lot more dominant for the hype you're giving him. I'm not talking 7on7s and camps. 41 for 496 last year, that's a red flag considering what you just said.

JJ critically known for being inconsistent too.

I think he's a great prospect but the hype train going way too fast for the facts that lie behind them.

Dalvin was clearly better than Yearby.

I personally think Ahmmon was a better prospect than JJ coming out.

JJ could be like Coley or Ridley(Those two were the exact same WR coming out, Ridley lil more physical and Coley a bit faster) coming out depending how he closes out his senior year. Not there yet, but he got the talent and potential. Coleys numbers in HS was like a video game, including his tape.

You talking about JJ like he's the second coming of Amari. Ahmmon the closest thing I've seen to Amari so far IMO.

Real Question:

I noticed on this board that when a player is not quite commited, ninjas be making up all kind of reasons they may not be a loss:

Sam Bruce-he's a midget, so what.
Calvin Ridley-he's a 20 yr old freshman, he probably wouldn't have made it in anyway
Jerry Jeudy-He's all hype

So my question is, what the f do ya'll mofos be drinking and smoking? B/c I want some!

Granted some r trolls, but some r fans. Do u really feel that way, or does it ease the pain if or when a kid goes elsewhere?

These r the al goldens of this forum.....they want hidden gems instead of this savage.....these forums are like our defense under AG......they suck. Only few are highly rated guys and we know better. JJ is a fkin boss and i loved Coley but this kid is better comong out then coley was or even richards. My opinion n i love coley n richards

Woah woah woah.

Slow your horses. D, I like you man but slow down the hype train big time. JJ needs to be a lot more dominant for the hype you're giving him. I'm not talking 7on7s and camps. 41 for 496 last year, that's a red flag considering what you just said.

JJ critically known for being inconsistent too.

I think he's a great prospect but the hype train going way too fast for the facts that lie behind them.

Dalvin was clearly better than Yearby.

I personally think Ahmmon was a better prospect than JJ coming out.

JJ could be like Coley or Ridley(Those two were the exact same WR coming out, Ridley lil more physical and Coley a bit faster) coming out depending how he closes out his senior year. Not there yet, but he got the talent and potential. Coleys numbers in HS was like a video game, including his tape.

You talking about JJ like he's the second coming of Amari. Ahmmon the closest thing I've seen to Amari so far IMO.

This is the difference i project what i see and picture them in d1. Like i knew yearby wouldnt be the beast he was in hs because defenses r faster n u saw cook and u instantly think the speed wont change for him it will change the defense though. Not only that but u talkong about a prospect that will be coached by nick saban or mark richt. Its all guesses but i see a superstar even if its without pads which i hate 7 on 7.

I remember three to four years ago on 7-7 espn team opposite of cook picked off a pass n cook chased the db down like darrel green catching jerry no expert but i thought cooper was the best wr ieverseen in hs off the line and juedy has that.

U may be right and maybe im wrong and hes an ok wr but i see a star and bamas staff does too.

i'm not trying to rain on the kid, he's legit and incredibly promising . . . but the these videos ought to be the springboard to a incredible senior season, then stardom . . . some have skipped in the season portion of the process and elevated him to stardom based on camp video with kids his age or younger . . .

based on the bama offer, do you think devonta smith is a star as well?
Jeudy reminds me of Chad Johnson. Quick off the line and in/out of his breaks with good route running ability. Has great footwork and acceleration but not great top end speed. Has adequate bulk but not particularly strong. So, not the great at high pointing or going up for Jump balls.

I don't know about the CJ comparison.

Also, someone was talking about WR's 's DB's at these camps and how JJ has been abusing them. He should be abusing them, WR's always have the advantage in one on one's as the DB's typically have help. The WR knows their route, no help, this they're at an advantage from the snap.

JJ, I wasn't impressed by his film to anywhere near the degree other people were apparently. He does look good minus the pads, but my one knock would be his footwork. He has this weird thing where it looks like he's wasting motion. I don't know if it's similar to basketball where there's some razzle dazzle in the camps or if he grew some and is just getting used to moving at his size. No big deal, just an observance.

I don't want it to seem as if I'm knocking the guy, but the hype train is crazy. As a prospect, I liked Richard's far better last year and I'm not sure that many feel that way.
While I agree that JJ is a must Mike Harley I want to see what they do when the pads come on. Benjamin Victor was also a camp warrior too. But when the pads came on he looked like a 2 star.

He will be Deerfields #1 playmaker so he will have every chance to show that he is worth all the hype.
Some are subconsciously bracing for Saban taking another transcendent receiver out of south Florida. This would be another huge miss.

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Jeudy reminds me of Chad Johnson. Quick off the line and in/out of his breaks with good route running ability. Has great footwork and acceleration but not great top end speed. Has adequate bulk but not particularly strong. So, not the great at high pointing or going up for Jump balls.

I don't know about the CJ comparison.

Also, someone was talking about WR's 's DB's at these camps and how JJ has been abusing them. He should be abusing them, WR's always have the advantage in one on one's as the DB's typically have help. The WR knows their route, no help, this they're at an advantage from the snap.

JJ, I wasn't impressed by his film to anywhere near the degree other people were apparently. He does look good minus the pads, but my one knock would be his footwork. He has this weird thing where it looks like he's wasting motion. I don't know if it's similar to basketball where there's some razzle dazzle in the camps or if he grew some and is just getting used to moving at his size. No big deal, just an observance.

I don't want it to seem as if I'm knocking the guy, but the hype train is crazy. As a prospect, I liked Richard's far better last year and I'm not sure that many feel that way.

Technically, he isn't as refined, but the separation and space he generates is hard to ignore. Might just be one of those things where he does it his way and it's fine.

Psh, when I think about Chad Johnson, Chad was doing stuff that I don't think I had ever seen before when it came to footwork.

The job is simple. Get open.

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