i'm gonna speak for myself, because we're all our own men, on TOS i saw a stat comparison between dingle and jeudy and dingle's numbers are insane versus what most of you say is the best competition in the country. yet i don't here most of you singing his praises because he hasn't done the recruit circuit.
jeudy may very well be a beast, and i want him on my canes, but i'm not ready to crown a guy that hasn't really proven himself on the field ala richards or even dingle. now if he puts up numbers on the field in pads then the hype machine is fully warranted . . . as of now, he's a camp legend . . . we want football legends
anybody who wants to label posters that want football players that produce on the field as "al goldens" then it is what it is and reason is not in you
Because stats at the HS level to do not indicate what kind of prospect you maybe at the next level. Remember Dallas Crawford? This site was raving about him and his crazy INT numbers his senior year. He was an instinctual DB and made plays but he was too slow for a Div 1 safety. Dingle is a solid prospect, very strong and high points the ball very well but he just isn't the prospect Jeudy is, plain and simple. That's not to say stats are meaningless but they don't paint the whole picture. Remember Charlie Jones from I think it was South Miami, he set Dade rushing records back in 03 and was just a JAG at the next level. Dominating in HS even the highest level in Dade doesn't mean it will translate to the next level.
Same people said yearby stats were godly and he starts over cook and the smart people knew cook was the one who would be a beast because the speed he had. Yearby we knew once defenses got fast he wouldnt be a burner like HS
I agree with this, but cook produced on the field and mid way through his senior year you knew he was certified . . . that being said yearby ran for stack last year, so he's not chop liver
you kinda make my case, we crowned cook once he produced on the field