Most pivotal player of 2012? Gotta be Stephen Morris, right?


Nov 20, 2011
basically, if 17 plays well, this is a team capable of winning a game or two more than expected. He reminds me a lot of Scotty Covington, who played some pretty good ball back in 98( and who also replaced a soft throwing thrower in Ryan Clement) and gave UM the ability to drive the ball deep with velocity and zip. Now, Covington had the likes of Edge, Bubba, Moss and Wayne along side him but I think this year Morris has potentially a much better Oline that will protect him upfront.

Covington racked up good numbers against the weak sisters of the Big East, struggled versus the better clubs UM played and had a big win on the road versus a solid WVU team( where he played very well) and then the UCLA win, which is probably his career-defining moment- he hit some NFL throws late( after struggling almost the whole 3rd quarter).

Morris is a good athlete and can make plays with his live arm that Jacory simply couldn't and seems to have a good head on his shoulders. I also believe that Fisch can bring out the best in him and minimize the stuff he's not good at.

As Ive said before, if the Oline can play to it's physical ability( and I do think Kehoe is on the spot this season) and can run the ball consistently, play-action will be there with the deep stuff. This to me, is where Morris can shine, making relatively easy reads versus 8 man fronts with man coverage on the perimeter. Fisch has shown he can be very clever and creative, but to me, it all comes down to running the ball well and Morris being able to take advantage of it down field

I'll say it right now, physically, Morris is the best QB Miami has had since perhaps Craig Ericksona( but that's a far cry from being the best signal-caller, I just want to make that clear). The question is, can he play to that level?

I think his play is the difference between a 5-6 win season or 7-8.
If He doesn't turn the ball over and the OLine keeps that jersey clean no reason he can't be the difference to 9 wins. He does have the physical skills just need the between the ears stuff to click.
There's a lot of "ifs", but Miami was very close in a lot of the games they lost, with no DT depth and DB's that were just not good. Harris did protect the ball better and Miller, Benjamin, and Streeter made some plays, but I think the players taking their place will at least be adequate. OL seems like it should be better, with Bunche replacing an out of position Washington and the rest of it pretty solid. Morris is the key. If he protects the ball, I think the record will be a lot better. If he doesn't, then it's not going to be pretty.
I don't think it's even a case of just protecting the ball and playing smart. That would indicate we have elite talent on the line, in the backfield, and all on the defense, and Morris' job is as simple as just not ******* things up. We don't have that luxury yet.

He needs to make plays. Morris can't focus on not making mistakes, he needs to make great things happen. He has to be a game changer, not a caretaker.
nah, most pivotal player is anyone on the D-Line, if they get pass rush and stop runs which we havent seen in quite some time we can have just decent play at qb and still win. We have to be able to stop QBs running up the middle for 30 yards when there is less than a minute in a game we are up by 4 points....
Duke Johnson.

He's homerun hitting while everyone else be bunting.
Yup, it's the guy who has the ball in his hands on every snap of the game.

If Morris plays well, doesn't turn the ball over (too much), this can be an 8 win team.
Morris, and it ain't close.

It's been a while since we have had a QB that makes others around him better IMO.
Morris and Chickillo have to stay healthy this year or we're sunk.

Assuming they both stay healthy, Duke's the biggest x factor.
I really hope that what many of you seem to see in him is right and he balls out this year, because I just don't see it.

And as for being physically the best qb since Erickson, I don't know about that. His arm strength, etc. seem on par with Brock Berlin. Not that that is a bad thing.

a little reminder of what Brock could do.

I really hope that what many of you seem to see in him is right and he balls out this year, because I just don't see it.

And as for being physically the best qb since Erickson, I don't know about that. His arm strength, etc. seem on par with Brock Berlin. Not that that is a bad thing.

a little reminder of what Brock could do.


That got me fired up right there. Thanks for posting.
Yup, we ride as far as Morris takes us. He needs to have complete control of the O, and be able to both push it upfield (we're going to need a lot of points to pull a few of the games out), and to ball control to keep the D off the field. I think he's up to it.
I guess I already have a ton of confidence in Morris, but I would've said porter is the most pivotal. I still think he's a playmaker and could be back starting by week 2 or 3 wreaking havoc.
There are several key people, but Morris is the most important in my mind. If he doesn't play well, it's gonna be a loooooong season.
Morris just has to show up in big games in tight spots, unlike his predecessor. J12 was good last year until he was faced with a tough throw. As the QB go, we go.
Duke Johnson.

He's homerun hitting while everyone else be bunting.

I think he's certainly an X-factor, just dont know how much he'll be on the field. But guys like Duke can certainly change the dynamics of a young team
I'm not going to go individual players, but units: the OL and DL have to be much improved. Its where we've been getting our @sses kicked for years now, and when that changes, we'll start winning again.
Morris, and it ain't close.

It's been a while since we have had a QB that makes others around him better IMO.

This. Perryman is a distant #2. We need that guy to ball out for this defense to look relatively competent.

yeah man guys like Chick, Perryman, Duke, MJ, they can make a big difference but if Morris plays bad, we are sunk. If he plays well against a conference for the taking, we could shock a lot of people.