Most explosive offense in the country?

regardless of strength of schedule there is the factor of how do you look doing it. look at 2017 for example. tons of close wins and Ward>rosier by light years (no disrepect to malik)

so far we have been dominant in pretty much every phase
So far so good

Looking forward to seeing us challenged because I think this offense has a lot more in the tank

It’s been too easy (in a good way) so far
regardless of strength of schedule there is the factor of how do you look doing it. look at 2017 for example. tons of close wins and Ward>rosier by light years (no disrepect to malik)

so far we have been dominant in pretty much every phase
Someone finally said it!!! We look like a good football team. We couldn’t say this in the past. Yes we still need a few more Mario caliber recruiting classes but atleast we look prepared and mentally motivated.