More proof of Refs vs Miami

the alabama corner was the first to start the contact on that play, stacy went right into the corner, a better example would have been the other pick play from earlier with leggett

The inconsistency of some of these calls is infuriating. It seems, the rule on targeting changes by the week. Refs call picks when they feel like it and ignore it when they feel like it. The rule against linemen blocking downfield on passing plays gets ignored a lot too.
Those calls are always iffy. They are either both picks, or they aren't. But, there is no consistency by the officiating crews at all. It's not just against UM. It's everywhere.

It's the exact same play out of highly similar formations. Both ran by ACC teams.

-Clemson has their TE flanking the right side, instead of the left like Miami.
-Clemson begins the play motioning the RB out of the slot, and into the backfield (not in the gif)
-Deshaun rolls out, while Kaaya stays in the pocket.
-Coley is lined up on the line, with Njoku off the line. Clemson has both WR's off the line.

Both outside WR's run the same pick block pattern. If anything, the Clemson pick block is worse because the WR manages to push the CB deep enough to where the Bama safety has to take a longer route to get to the flats. Coley pushes his man towards the inside, making it easier (in comparison) for the Pitt safety to reach the flats.

Coley also ran the play as if the DB was in his way and he tried to shoulder bump him on his way to the inside
The Clemson WR **** near chop blocks the Bama DB.

Same play, but everything on the Clemson side is even more blatant and they still didn't get the call.

You are confused. That was Kaaya's best rollout he could muster.
Those calls are always iffy. They are either both picks, or they aren't. But, there is no consistency by the officiating crews at all. It's not just against UM. It's everywhere.

Not so fast, this has been addressed previously:

Here is the meat of it.

ACC Refs do what Swofford tells them to do...

No doubt we get jobbed by the refs on the regular, but I think it's more of a bias thing than being told to do it. I doubt you can keep something like the league commissioner telling refs to make more calls against a specific team a secret for long. People just think Miami is dirty which leads to other negative assumptions.

Can't keep directed bias a secret? Were you asleep for John Podesta, Donna Brazille, CNN and the election? They had been keeping the story of bias hidden for YEARS and YEARS...
Those calls are always iffy. They are either both picks, or they aren't. But, there is no consistency by the officiating crews at all. It's not just against UM. It's everywhere.

Not so fast, this has been addressed previously:

Here is the meat of it.

ACC Refs do what Swofford tells them to do...

No doubt we get jobbed by the refs on the regular, but I think it's more of a bias thing than being told to do it. I doubt you can keep something like the league commissioner telling refs to make more calls against a specific team a secret for long. People just think Miami is dirty which leads to other negative assumptions.

Can't keep directed bias a secret? Were you asleep for John Podesta, Donna Brazille, CNN and the election? They had been keeping the story of bias hidden for YEARS and YEARS...

Not sure what you're saying, are those football players?
I agree the officiating from game to game is hardly consistent but I don't believe the refs are biased against Miami.
Does anyone in the know hear anything about Miami complaining to the ACC about the refs? I've never seen anything like what we saw with these ACC refs, last year.
I agree the officiating from game to game is hardly consistent but I don't believe the refs are biased against Miami.

Ahh, porsters who can't support their absolute statements...My favorites. You don't believe based on what evidence? A bird flew in your car and told you? Your pancake syrup spelled out "No Bias" when you poured it out? The pimple arrangement on your girl's bare butt looked similar to the words "Zebras Love The []_[]?"

Here are two conclusions from the report I linked, a report based on analytics, not the near-mustache hair arrangement above your women's lip:

"Supporting this notion, there is evidence of ACC officiating favoritism towards teams that have been in the league longest (founded in 1953) and more frequently flagging teams that are newer to the conference: Georgia Tech (1978), Florida State (1991), University of Miami (2004)..."

"Particularly given the betting line bias of the ACC in-conference, there is reason to believe that the ACC handicaps its stronger teams despite the financial incentives to do the opposite. Why does the ACC engage in this behavior and have these biases among officials? One possible explanation is the reputation of the ACC as a basketball conference with its four founding member North Carolina institutions (Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, and NC State) yielding the most political influence; internal ACC power may be threatened by non-founding schools with strong football that drive much of its revenue."

The numbers don't lie, unlike your girl when she says she got VD from a toilet seat.
You are comparing the last play of the NC game vs a 1st quarter play mid season between 2 irrelevant teams. At that point, the game is being called a little different.
You think that call was bad. I got one for you that happened in Tempe about 14 years ago....
I could see this complaint if it was the same officiating crew that made the 2 calls. But have you considered that these are 2 different officiating crews in 2 different games who may have a different interpretation of the rules?
I agree the officiating from game to game is hardly consistent but I don't believe the refs are biased against Miami.

Ahh, porsters who can't support their absolute statements...My favorites. You don't believe based on what evidence? A bird flew in your car and told you? Your pancake syrup spelled out "No Bias" when you poured it out? The pimple arrangement on your girl's bare butt looked similar to the words "Zebras Love The []_[]?"

Here are two conclusions from the report I linked, a report based on analytics, not the near-mustache hair arrangement above your women's lip:

"Supporting this notion, there is evidence of ACC officiating favoritism towards teams that have been in the league longest (founded in 1953) and more frequently flagging teams that are newer to the conference: Georgia Tech (1978), Florida State (1991), University of Miami (2004)..."

"Particularly given the betting line bias of the ACC in-conference, there is reason to believe that the ACC handicaps its stronger teams despite the financial incentives to do the opposite. Why does the ACC engage in this behavior and have these biases among officials? One possible explanation is the reputation of the ACC as a basketball conference with its four founding member North Carolina institutions (Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, and NC State) yielding the most political influence; internal ACC power may be threatened by non-founding schools with strong football that drive much of its revenue."

The numbers don't lie, unlike your girl when she says she got VD from a toilet seat.

Top ten worst porst I've ever read on here. Also, next time include your link.
I agree the officiating from game to game is hardly consistent but I don't believe the refs are biased against Miami.

Ahh, porsters who can't support their absolute statements...My favorites. You don't believe based on what evidence? A bird flew in your car and told you? Your pancake syrup spelled out "No Bias" when you poured it out? The pimple arrangement on your girl's bare butt looked similar to the words "Zebras Love The []_[]?"

Here are two conclusions from the report I linked, a report based on analytics, not the near-mustache hair arrangement above your women's lip:

"Supporting this notion, there is evidence of ACC officiating favoritism towards teams that have been in the league longest (founded in 1953) and more frequently flagging teams that are newer to the conference: Georgia Tech (1978), Florida State (1991), University of Miami (2004)..."

"Particularly given the betting line bias of the ACC in-conference, there is reason to believe that the ACC handicaps its stronger teams despite the financial incentives to do the opposite. Why does the ACC engage in this behavior and have these biases among officials? One possible explanation is the reputation of the ACC as a basketball conference with its four founding member North Carolina institutions (Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, and NC State) yielding the most political influence; internal ACC power may be threatened by non-founding schools with strong football that drive much of its revenue."

The numbers don't lie, unlike your girl when she says she got VD from a toilet seat.

Top ten worst porst I've ever read on here. Also, next time include your link.

Really? Do you read many posts? Obviously you didn't in this thread, since in post #7 of the thread, I linked to the earlier thread on this topic AND the report I referenced in post #28 ...Attention to detail and/or reading comprehension isn't a strong suite I see...
I will also add, that you expect them to call a penalty for some blatant sht like that in the **** National Championship Game, and when the game is on the line at that. But nah, they not Miami so the refs let it slide so they could go home and drink beer faster.

C'mon, man. It's the National Championship game. The refs are gonna let 'em play. You think they'd risk deciding the NC game on a b.s. call? Never gonna happen.


Well, maybe just once.

Well the refs made a call to decide the NC game vs Ohio State in 2002.


he doesn't get the show
You are comparing the last play of the NC game vs a 1st quarter play mid season between 2 irrelevant teams. At that point, the game is being called a little different.

1st quarter of 2 irrelevant teams should mean that the refs don't give af, and let iffy calls go so the game can end faster.

NC Game is the highlight, and everyone wants the best team to win. By calling a flag on illegal plays you help that happen (or the team that pays the most).
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ACC refs are abysmal

ALL reffing is today and you will see, on any level they suck. Miami's reputation from the eighties and nineties has followed them through the years. Believe it or not it has gotten worse over the years for all teams. Most of these guys need seeing eye dogs to get home after they call a game!
I do know it cost Miami at least two NC's..JMO 1988 and 2002! And those missed calls were verified they were not just fan's b... ing about them without any basis!
The refs in the 88 game versus ND admitted to their mistake in an SI article and the missed called in the end zone by Porter versus OSU has been documented by unbiased reporters over several years in various articles and by video replays.
I am reminded of what JJ said to his teams on numerous occasions "don't leave it up to the refs." Which gives evidence even though it is circumstantial that he saw a bias as well!
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You are comparing the last play of the NC game vs a 1st quarter play mid season between 2 irrelevant teams. At that point, the game is being called a little different.

1st quarter of 2 irrelevant teams should mean that the refs don't give af, and let iffy calls go so the game can end faster.

NC Game is the highlight, and everyone wants the best team to win. By calling a flag on illegal plays you help that happen (or the team that pays the most).

The refs try their best to let the game play out without any interference in crucial times. I'm not saying the flag shouldn't have been thrown but to compare the two situations & claim it bias against Miami is a bit much. By that same logic, the SEC team should have had that call go in their favor. Sure refs like to ***** us (see '89, '02, etc) but that nothing to do with Clemson-Bama or that non call.