
EAD. The fact that I can’t voice my opinion but @cway313 and his minions can be pessimistic 24/7 shows what a joke this place has become
This place??? You’re not doing so well on 247 either. There’s still on3 I guess. Don’t expect different results though if you do the same things there that you do here and on 247 💁🏻‍♂️

This is how it went on the other board after Marcelin committed I guess…


Having forgotten I'd sent @JZCane0825 to purgatory in the first place (I thought I band him), when I opened up the purgatory board this afternoon to do my weekly jailer's rounds I was not expecting to laugh this hard. Shout out to whichever one of @JZCane0825's personalities was responsible for this thread, as without that bit of unchanneled, triggered rage, I doubt @RVACane comes with the hilarious heat.
Having forgotten I'd sent @JZCane0825 to purgatory in the first place (I thought I band him), when I opened up the purgatory board this afternoon to do my weekly jailer's rounds I was not expecting to laugh this hard. Shout out to whichever one of @JZCane0825's personalities was responsible for this thread, as without that bit of unchanneled, triggered rage, I doubt @RVACane comes with the hilarious heat.
Gaby doesn’t whack many posters either so it’s kind of like a special treat to see him exercise force. I guess this thread is Austin’s way of saying what that alien at Area 51 in Independence Day said when he had Dr Weirdo in a headlock. 🤣

@JZCane0825 you have been in here a week but this is the second time you’ve been in purgatory. The first time I was really wrong about putting you back on the main board.

Not only was I wrong but other posters have exposed you on even another board drumming up problems there, too. There’s even open discussion on voting to ban you for good (these people seem really smart ).

Despite all this, I’m giving you one more chance on the main board. I remember at the beginning when you were let out of here that you for a while you were actually normal (or maybe on your best behavior) before having a relapse.

If any more problems I’m going to push to have you banned.

Take care.
EAD. The fact that I can’t voice my opinion but @cway313 and his minions can be pessimistic 24/7 shows what a joke this place has become
Welcome my brother. I say to you that Purgatory is open to all. Here we can be true fatigue wearing fans that exude passion and demand excellence from our team. Spend no time trifling over the watered down forums that try to knee cap you at every turn for being you. No need to walk on egg shells and wonder if calling TVD a ginger will get your account locked. Freedom reigns here.
Welcome my brother. I say to you that Purgatory is open to all. Here we can be true fatigue wearing fans that exude passion and demand excellence from our team. Spend no time trifling over the watered down forums that try to knee cap you at every turn for being you. No need to walk on egg shells and wonder if calling TVD a ginger will get your account locked. Freedom reigns here.
You know he's been out of Purgatory for over two weeks, right?