Minnesotta offers $10 seat to fill stadium

Quit your crying, super fan. It's the home opener and you're happy to do whatever you can to go to an away game but you just won't be bothered to go the home opener.
Can't be bothered? You've said you understand how folks in the area didn't "feel like" going last week, and then you're going to hold it over my head that I didn't show up to the home opener? GFY son, GFY. I think everyone on this site can understand the difference between a South Floridian not going and me up in VA 15+ hours away not going are not comparable at all.

It's not a 'flaw' in my logic that you're happier to go to away games than home games, yet you think you should be lecturing everybody on how to be a fan at a home game.
You know why I can do that? Because I know how hard my crew I hang with at the away games goes when it comes to supporting the Canes. I'd say we've had half-full away sections that make more noise than your student section does for any game. We give as much as we can, and just ask for the best out of this team in return. Most of my crew goes to the basketball and baseball games as well, as many of the away games as we can make. And then I pull up the web feed of Mark Light Field to watch a game, and see the stands 90% empty. It's a disgrace.

So continue bragging about how awesome of a Hurricane fan you are because you go to some away games each year but you're just too important and too awesome of a fan to show up for home games.
Once again, missing the fact that I'm 15+ hours away. I hope to dear jeebus you're not any kind of major having anything to do with geography or logic, because you're devoid of knowledge of both.

I just think you sound foolish trying to lecture everybody else on how to be a UM fan yet you don't go to the home games.
If I were a South Florida resident, you'd have a point--and this conversation would have been done a LONG time ago. The fact is, I'm not. So trying to put me down for not going to home games when it's a 15+ hour trip is a feat of stupidity on your part of the likes I've not seen on this board yet.
30 dollars for B-CC is absurd. Bottom line. And it's really not up to you, or anybody else, to judge what is a good enough "excuse" to miss a canes game.
If there's $30 standing between you and watching the Canes play, I understand that there's financial hardship there and there's no reason for you to go to the game at that point. Otherwise, $30 for parking, while high, shouldn't stand in the way of going to watch the Canes play at home IF you can afford it. It's a crap excuse.

The ONLY reason I'm not going to GT is because I can't get off from work. Otherwise, I already had the tix, hotel, and finances planned out to go since back in May or so. I'm even buying a parking pass for a structure by the stadium to tailgate in that's $15 (must sound like a bargain to you).

What I find hilarious is that almost all the VA Canes I know make UVA or VT when we play, most of them make the games down around North Carolina (Wake, UNC, NCSU, Duke), and most of the ones I know try to make at least 1 home game a year as well. I've never heard them bytch about $30 parking.

Dude--I know folks from Jeannette, PA who are driving to Pittsburgh to catch a flight and come down for the GT game this weekend. I could be mistaken, but I've never heard of a $30 or less flight from Pitt to Atlanta. I've not heard any belly-aching over the price to go watch the Canes play.

There's another guy I know who drove solo from facking Independence, KS a few years ago to Jeannette to crash with those aforementioned folks JUST SO he could go to the Miami/Pitt game. 16 hours.

And yet--there are folks who sit at home within an hour's drive from the stadium, who's excuses to not go are as follows:

1) Miami's an event city, if Miami's not big I'm not going
2) Parking is $30
3) Atmosphere sucks

Well guess what?

1) If Miami's your team, and you're able to--go watch them play. Period. It's called being a loyal fan.
2) $30 parking is steep, but not a big price to pay to go hang with your fellow Canes fans and to watch the Canes play.
3) The Atmosphere sucks not because of Sun Life or a "sterile" environment compared to the OB...what made the OB was the smaller size and packing fans in that joint to make the atmosphere electric and crazy!!! Pack as many crazy-*** fans as possible into Sun Life who don't care about how sterile it is, and see if the atmosphere doesn't improve. The stadium might not be a smaller college stadium like the OB was, but if the fans all show up in mass numbers w/the right mindset--it can be wild and intimidating again. THAT PART IS UP TO THE FANS.

I already give 40 thousand dollars to UM a year. I really don't need to hear some guy in Virginia writing a newspaper article on how to be a 'loyal fan' and coming up with his own fandom rules and exceptions.

I paid 10 dollars last week for a ticket. And 3x that for parking. It's a ripoff and the gameday experience sucks.

How about you actually fly down to South Florida and watch the 'Canes play at their home opener nstead of going to the bigger GT game? Some awesome fan you are. And no, Sun Life will never be 'wild and intimidating.' It's a ****ty stadium.

You donate 40 grand a year to the U? Great! BTW, I am the President of The Human Fund, a non profit charity that helps humans. May I count on you for a donation?
Again, why weren't you at the game last week? Why are you going to the GT game, but didn't go to the 'Canes home opener?
Sure...let's make this about me. I'm not the one who's less than an hour away from the home stadium and not going. Somehow I make the home atmosphere suck when I'm a 15 hour (pushing it) drive away from Miami?

I'll bite. I wasn't at the home opener last week because it's a 15 hour drive, and gas is about $4/gallon. I also do not have an airport nearby that does direct flights to Miami, the closest ones are either Knoxville (3hr drive) or Charlotte (4hr drive).

But yeah--let's blame me because I won't go to that trouble instead of Joe Blow from Miramar who thinks it's absurd that he has to drive 10 minutes to the stadium and pay $30 to park.

You know what we do when we go to away games and we know the parking cost is decently high? We ride one big SUV in, pack all of our stuff, and 3-4 people can split the cost...and then it's no problem. Either that, or the driver buys the parking pass, and those who rode with him owe him a shot or a beer apiece at the tailgate...and then everyone's squared up. I dare say those novel ideas could work at Sun Life as well.

Once again--there are next to no excuses for someone that close to Miami home games not to go.

No, you ******* fool. I was at the game. But I also understand why people wouldn't want to go. And I think those who judge others about it, without going to the game, are full of it.

How about find an airport that flies into Ft. Lauderdale (it's closer to Sun Life anyway) and quit making excuses. Direct flight? LMAO. Oh, poor you, you have to deal with a layover. Sounds to me like you're happy as **** to go to the away games when it's a fairly big opponent, but you couldn't care less about actually showing up to UM games when they play a ****ty opponent. So what are you talking about again?

Once again -- it's none of your business whether somebody feels like showing up or not on a Saturday against B-CC. That is especially true when you don't go to the games yourself.

It is absurd to pay 30$ to park when tickets cost 5 dollars, and the UM players are going to give a half-*** effort anyway.

Don't students get a free shuttle to the game? And don't students usually pile 4-5 people in a car to do anything?
Wahoo, to be fair, I would personally prefer to go to more road games than home games. Road games are more fun. Home games at Joe Robbie just kid of suck. Thats the point people are trying to make, even though we all still go to the games.
Wahoo, to be fair, I would personally prefer to go to more road games than home games. Road games are more fun. Home games at Joe Robbie just kid of suck. Thats the point people are trying to make, even though we all still go to the games.
I can understand that bud--the home opener I went to against Charlie Southern was only OK, and that was because I got to meet folks like Gables and such...see some other friends I hadn't seen at road games in a few years. The actual atmosphere in the stadium was more akin to an opera than a football game. I wanted to get up and cheer/celebrate big plays, and folks were just sitting on their hands or slathering their kids w/sunscreen (for an evening kickoff, no less).

I just think folks look at it as more making an appearance and doing the team a favor by showing up, than it is going there for the team, cheering their *** off, and having a good time even if the sticks in the mud around them don't want to get up and celebrate. That's what I mean by it takes the fans to help make the atmosphere.
If you live in Miami and dont want to spend $30 to go to the game then that your choice..... but then dont ***** about empty stadiums and gameday atmosphere.
