Michael Irving (is not hurt)

You know it’s all broadcast TV bullsh*t. Show people happy, show people worried, show people upset. Just show emotion.
Yeah my gripe isn't even with Mike. Just annoying. (IMO)

I'm an old man yelling at cloud. Disregard.
How awesome is that? That passion is unmatched. When do you ever see a football alum (of any school) with that much passion and vested in a game? Most alumni are on the sideline, talking to one another, occasional cheer, just going with the flow.

This dude is out there sweating bullets, on all fours, just like us fans. He is The U.
Found the shirt but it's old and the site no longer exists. They do have a Facebook page but no posts for years.
some of the bickering on here makes my day, **** can be hilarious sometimes.

Ayo, Mike on all 4's and someone on here calls out his arch lol where's the pause dude?!
Did you know she's never missed a game? I learned that on the 37th time they mentioned it. Slow learner. ME TRY HARD

She's at least relevant. WTH would I care about Marshawn's reaction all game long?
I'd still rather hear about Irving or Ward's mom than how fantastic that Cal player is and how he really came to play tonight.