#MiamiTwitter Thread

You're a ******* whack job!

You know all the members of the KKK were Democrats right? Maybe that's why in suddenly okay to take down the statues of Southern leaders? To erase that part of history. Because the powers that be know your to stupid to do your own research. You just mindlessly regurgitate bromides that you have been told to say....over and over....

Did you know the Roe-V-Wade decision was about population control for African-Americans? Yep...progressives on the court made it legal to control a population they deemed lesser. Now it's "wrapped up" as a women's rights issue. But no, its eugenics. You know who said it? Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
**** this the dumbest ****..yes, Your take on Roe v. Wade is the most asinine take I’ve ever come across..**** had nothing to do with race..that’s the a reach I’ve never seen b4.

Democrats USED to represent the poor portion of white Americans. Mainly southerners .Your not wrong about that. Your history teacher might’ve skipped the over the fact that African Americans were not seen as citizens. That’s key. But saying it’s not the truth today and hasn’t been since probably the 60’s. To say democrats want to get rid of statues to erase the political affiliations is...just dumb..next time use historical context when you do your research b4 spreading this ****.
I love it, you can get real news from all over the world with the right followers. Pretty cool. With the camera on the cell phones it allows you to see things happening in seconds.
That’s true but the majority of twitter users have the same testerone levels as tumblr. Like you said depends who you follow.