#MiamiTwitter Thread

I broke my leg this summer. My leg and foot looked like a right angle. A rod and 11 screws later and I'm unable to watch any type of serious injury. Makes me cringe.

How much you want to bet he asked the orderly to stick a finger up his ***.
No idea. I don’t mess w twitter or The Gram; too many ex gf’s and too many bad ones. Wish both were around when I was single. Lol. Lord knows Black Planet, MySpace and the infant stages of Face Book got me way too much action and way too caught up those college years. Lol.

How did I ever forget about black planet. schiitttttt
@D RevLee is finally deleting his posts. @nystateofmind you may have just saved this mans *** life because that twitter page was to ***** as what Mike Rumph is to recruits.

I'm not deleting ****. *** culture has been in style for like 3 years now. It's called trolling.

Oh and btw bro, it's Twitter. Your not suppose to take the **** seriously. The whole point is to entertain, which u obviously are. Get off my d*ck.
I'm not deleting ****. *** culture has been in style for like 3 years now. It's called trolling.

Oh and btw bro, it's Twitter. Your not suppose to take the **** seriously. The whole point is to entertain, which u obviously are. Get off my d*ck.

Ya....I am sure you made a fool out of yourself on twitter to "troll" your real life friends. So you only act *** because it is in style for the past 3 years?