Miami/Wake Forest Jan 6 Game Thread

I mean Joseph kind of sets the tone there but he's been negated by the refs already
Joseph is a total stud defensively. He’s the only one with a pulse on the defensive end for us. I’m adding that as a disclaimer to that post though thank you

Withstand the inevitable home run, keep pace and pick it up. Wooga is one of the few guys on the roster with the athletic ability to play above the rim, which is what you need against a team like Wake. That said, L has to be livid on how this game is being called so far. Bens picks up two quick fouls, and Hildren is out here flopping after EVERY SINGLE SHOT ATTEMPT. Dude is waxing the floor with his butt, he's spending so much time on the floor.
someone please point out where the offensive glass is to this team, whatever coach L is doing its not really effective