Miami vs Auburn

The SEC and b12 are so far ahead of the ACC as a conference. It's not even comparable. And conferences don't mean anything in March, you know that. It is honestly the dumbest thing ever. Literally anything can happen in this tournament. Its a lot getting hot at the right time and being able to hit shots. Last night, Miami hit their shots, while Auburn played the worst game of their season and couldn't make a shot if their life depended on it.
man I shouldn’t even respond cuz you’re obviously trolling or something but i’ll bite the bait. How is the SEC “so far ahead” if they have one team left in the big dance. Kentucky lost to a 15 seed, Tenn lost to 11 seed Michigan, Auburn got killed by us which you seem to just view as a miracle win and give miami no credit since it fits your narrative. LSU lost to 11 seed Iowa State first round as well and Bama got killed by ACC team Notre Dame. Not to mention ACC has 3 teams in the sweet 16 and those 3 teams being a 2, 8, and a 10 seed.

EDIT: posted this before reading everyone beat that claim down so sorry for beating a dead horse, but idk how anyone can say the ACC had a “down year” or that the SEC is “so far ahead” of the ACC

re-watching the highlights, it's amazing that we just killed Walker Kessler the entire time he was on the floor. everyone cried all year about how we have no bigs -- and I'm sure L would like to have another big on the roster, so I'm not even saying those complaints were unfounded -- but we fully weaponized our personnel against one of the best centers in the country.

we had Kessler out defending by the 3 point line the entire game with none of our players anywhere near the paint and we just destroyed him. we killed him on pick and rolls (with our guys finishing in tough situations off the glass), Jordan Miller hit several jumpers when Kessler was just hanging off of him giving him space, and to essentially ice the game in the second half we had possessions where Waardenburg hit a three with Kessler hanging out in the paint nowhere near him and then had Kessler out by three point line and got McGusty on the same back cut that we beat Duke with over and over. we also shut him down on offense which is a huge testament to the players for playing super hard and physically on defense and on the glass despite being much smaller.

I'm not going to say that our lack of bigs isn't a weakness, but in this game our "weakness" turned out to be our biggest strength, and for that I'm giving L a huge tip of the cap because he coached circles around one of the top 5 highest paid coaches in the game.
The U is the reason it was Auburns worst game.
The lack of respect that Miami is getting for forcing Auburn to “play terrible” is mind boggling. Did Auburn miss some point blank shots? Sure. Did Miami effect that from the opening tip? Absolutely. I’ve been as big a “hater” of our defense as anyone all year. But our defense the last 2 games(on possessions where we haven’t forced turnovers) has been very good. Not near as many uncontested layups on possessions where we don’t get a steal. Such a lazy narrative to say “Auburn played terrible” without acknowledging Miami’s influence on said poor play. But, I guess when you upset the established order, it’s just easier to say the favored team “played terrible”. Even Pearl gave us credit, unlike that douche nozzle Enfield.
re-watching the highlights, it's amazing that we just killed Walker Kessler the entire time he was on the floor. everyone cried all year about how we have no bigs -- and I'm sure L would like to have another big on the roster, so I'm not even saying those complaints were unfounded -- but we fully weaponized our personnel against one of the best centers in the country.

we had Kessler out defending by the 3 point line the entire game with none of our players anywhere near the paint and we just destroyed him. we killed him on pick and rolls (with our guys finishing in tough situations off the glass), Jordan Miller hit several jumpers when Kessler was just hanging off of him giving him space, and to essentially ice the game in the second half we had possessions where Waardenburg hit a three with Kessler hanging out in the paint nowhere near him and then had Kessler out by three point line and got McGusty on the same back cut that we beat Duke with over and over. we also shut him down on offense which is a huge testament to the players for playing super hard and physically on defense and on the glass despite being much smaller.

I'm not going to say that our lack of bigs isn't a weakness, but in this game our "weakness" turned out to be our biggest strength, and for that I'm giving L a huge tip of the cap because he coached circles around one of the top 5 highest paid coaches in the game.
We also beat USC, which is the second tallest team in the NCAA.
Miller did as well.
Jordan Miller and Sam's recent play are major reasons we are in the Friday night spotlight. (Coach L and the rest for sure too.) Jordan has impressed me for awhile; Sam has had his ups and downs, and far too many "downs" for my druthers... He shone vs NC, but on other occasions was very disappointing...

...I don't see why we can't applaud him when he's good, and (even like Wong's off-games) say otherwise when he's not (or wasn't.) --- there's really nothing to "take back"... the previous criticisms of past performances (more-so disappointing because he obviously has the talent to shine) were far from undeserved.

Anyway, just keeping playing hard and well, and we can all agree on how Sweet it is!